It is but people assume you just mean the calendar fortune cookie type astrology s*** you used to see on pop ups and s***. When people learn how to respect the past and learn how they lived on this planet before us they’ll be a bit more open to realizing just how smart past civilizations were.
yeah after the enlightenment era (or around that time) people took to making caricatures of ancient civilizations as these extremely barbaric and dumb people they had an atrocious amount of knowledge and esoterica that has been lost to time, and hell the s*** that has lasted today is often revelatory regardless (s/o the kybalion)
yeah after the enlightenment era (or around that time) people took to making caricatures of ancient civilizations as these extremely barbaric and dumb people they had an atrocious amount of knowledge and esoterica that has been lost to time, and hell the s*** that has lasted today is often revelatory regardless (s/o the kybalion)
It's a great icebreaker with women that's about it for me.
this one girl told me i was insufferable based on my zodiac sign and since then i stopped sharing
i don’t really believe it but why is literally every girl i fall for a pisces and they always so damn dramatic idk but im so attracted to it for some reason
yeah you weren’t gonna get nuanced intelligent discussion with this site u also gotta keep in mind secularity is very prominent nowadays and science spearheads it
better off just letting them circlejerk
imagine being complex humans and having your personality dictated by 12 signs
imagine being complex humans and having your personality dictated by 12 signs
each sign has 3 subdivisions so technically it's 36, not 12
each sign has 3 subdivisions so technically it's 36, not 12
not even mentioning the houses and the aspects and the degrees etc
It's a great icebreaker with women that's about it for me.
I used to 5hink so but if she's really into that chances are she is also insane
imagine being complex humans and having your personality dictated by 12 signs
Each person is made up of 12 signs in 12 houses with different aspects & degrees
astrology actually tells you how unique you are but ppl that don’t know better only look at the sun sign (not even looking at the subdivisions at that) which is 1 out of 12 in your personal chart
zodiac s*** changed my outlook on life
what changed in your day-today life due to astrology? and why? did you do a natal chart reading or something like that?
that " what's your birthday/ whats your zodiac sign" question always scares me. They start assumin s*** and treating me a diff way once they know
by the way that zodiac s*** is complete bullshit.
Myers-briggs personality test though>>>
by the way that zodiac s*** is complete bullshit.
Myers-briggs personality test though>>>
yep, astrology for redditors