  • Mar 30, 2023

    Is he worth looking into or.. problematic?

    I see different things I was interested if you think he’s worth the time or not

  • Mar 30, 2023


  • Mar 30, 2023

    Honestly if they’re anything like his podcast I’d skip

  • Mar 31, 2023
    2 replies

    Depends tbh. Great author probably more relevant if you're black .

    Idk how he would be problematic outside of just being a writer

  • Nah man, this straight disrespectful

  • Mar 31, 2023

    certainly wouldnt want to be problematic

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Depends tbh. Great author probably more relevant if you're black .

    Idk how he would be problematic outside of just being a writer

    More relevant if you're black?

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Depends tbh. Great author probably more relevant if you're black .

    Idk how he would be problematic outside of just being a writer

    he’s on Epstein’s flight logs, for one

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Yeah his books are good. His voice and podcast are annoying but his books are solid and quick reads.

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    More relevant if you're black?

    yeah tbh. it's culturally you'll see his name dropped in similar circles.

  • Lou

    he’s on Epstein’s flight logs, for one

    errbody on that hoe.

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    yeah tbh. it's culturally you'll see his name dropped in similar circles.

    ah yes, very culturally relevant to black people

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    ah yes, very culturally relevant to black people

    this is obtuse. re-read what i have said.

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    this is obtuse. re-read what i have said.

    Its not. Who are these circles bro lmao

    What about Blink! is more relevant to black people than anyone else

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Its not. Who are these circles bro lmao

    What about Blink! is more relevant to black people than anyone else

    well its not that he's relevant because of his content so the blink example don't work.

    he's relevant because of the types of people who recommend his work to young black people. these are former activists / church /left field spiritual church people i.e (Oprah and "Oprahs" of the community)

    those are the circles that recommend the same type of literature and Malcolm Gladwell is an author that has repeatedly been in the mix of those circles.

    therefore the relevancy of reading malcom gladwell as a black person is to better understand those circles.

    like for example at the radical church that i went to malcolm gladwell is brought up a lot

  • Mar 31, 2023

    A hack. Move from Books to Life

  • Mar 31, 2023

    yeah this is corny and weird

  • Mar 31, 2023
    1 reply

    well its not that he's relevant because of his content so the blink example don't work.

    he's relevant because of the types of people who recommend his work to young black people. these are former activists / church /left field spiritual church people i.e (Oprah and "Oprahs" of the community)

    those are the circles that recommend the same type of literature and Malcolm Gladwell is an author that has repeatedly been in the mix of those circles.

    therefore the relevancy of reading malcom gladwell as a black person is to better understand those circles.

    like for example at the radical church that i went to malcolm gladwell is brought up a lot

    Just because you say the example wont work doesn’t mean youre right lmao. Your banality speaks volumes.

    I can’t speak on what goes on in black churches, though it’s all but objective that Gladwell has a platform because of his writing, especially in the “market of ideas” realm that he operates in, where book excerpts turn into conversations and quotes that are likely cited by these church-goers you speak of.

    On top of that, there’s nothing about his content that inherently targets black people or a black audience. He is not praised for his blackness, in reality quite the opposite. He’s lauded by all the same news outlets, podcasters, and organizations whose beliefs are rooted in evolutionary psychology and prosperity gospel. That’s not relevant to black people, thats relevant to dumbasses regardless of race gender or ethnicity

  • Mar 31, 2023

    Listened to outliers back when I had long drives to work. Enjoyed it.

  • Apr 1, 2023

    Just because you say the example wont work doesn’t mean youre right lmao. Your banality speaks volumes.

    I can’t speak on what goes on in black churches, though it’s all but objective that Gladwell has a platform because of his writing, especially in the “market of ideas” realm that he operates in, where book excerpts turn into conversations and quotes that are likely cited by these church-goers you speak of.

    On top of that, there’s nothing about his content that inherently targets black people or a black audience. He is not praised for his blackness, in reality quite the opposite. He’s lauded by all the same news outlets, podcasters, and organizations whose beliefs are rooted in evolutionary psychology and prosperity gospel. That’s not relevant to black people, thats relevant to dumbasses regardless of race gender or ethnicity

    That whole paragraph don't got nothing do with what I wrote except for you saying you don't know. I said the example doesn't work because of the reason you have no idea about and so don't understand. I never said it was his content or him even being black was what made him relevant.


  • Apr 1, 2023
    1 reply

    he was good stuff to read at the time of my life that i did, as an entrée into eventually getting into more complex thinking about the nature of society. i'd say the same about chuck klosterman, who I also got really into at that time. very formative period.

    note that this isn't me saying they're "wrong" or "overly simplistic" because other writers have "gone deeper," in the same way that the existence of advanced mathematics doesn't mean addition is bunk. nor would I never engage with their work again -- I just listened to a podcast with chuck in the car last week, just as I still am known to add numbers from time to time. and I also bring up chuck, I'm remembering now, because I think he said once on a pod that someone critiqued him by saying he was "entry-level" and he said he took that as a compliment, that he would be recognized as filling that role in the knowledge ecosystem.

  • Apr 1, 2023

    he was good stuff to read at the time of my life that i did, as an entrée into eventually getting into more complex thinking about the nature of society. i'd say the same about chuck klosterman, who I also got really into at that time. very formative period.

    note that this isn't me saying they're "wrong" or "overly simplistic" because other writers have "gone deeper," in the same way that the existence of advanced mathematics doesn't mean addition is bunk. nor would I never engage with their work again -- I just listened to a podcast with chuck in the car last week, just as I still am known to add numbers from time to time. and I also bring up chuck, I'm remembering now, because I think he said once on a pod that someone critiqued him by saying he was "entry-level" and he said he took that as a compliment, that he would be recognized as filling that role in the knowledge ecosystem.

    Thinking, fast and slow by Kahneman has been cited by a bunch of baseball GM's as a big influence lol they definitely have their purpose

  • Apr 1, 2023

    Some of his findings and sources are probably outdated but he definitely got me into non fiction reading in college