  • Laced

    I like Cole and appreciate what he brings to the table. But I always felt like bruh could do better. None of his albums blew me away. I think a lot of fans of the genre feel the same way. He's a great guy and very relatable and I feel like that overshadows the quality of his music when people try to be subjective about it. Either way, I hope the fall off is that project I'm looking for it to be. I want him to go out with a bang

    Guess we'll agree to disagree then

    I loved KOD, and think for the most part he's been as advertised throughout his career. IMO listen to Come up / Warm up / FNL and that's prettyyy much who he's been for his entire career.

    I think the rap community expects too much when it comes to rappers and their new releases. They are who they are

  • Mar 16, 2021

    Weird I’m the exact opposite of OP. I was listening to Cole a lot more 6 years ago. His last two albums just didn’t do enough for me tbh. His best work BY FAR is still TWU/FNL and Truly Yours 1&2.

  • Mar 16, 2021

    I wont argue against anyone if they thought cole was a legend, but i personally havent seen a legendary run from him. His best case was 2014fhd drive but i didnt personally go crazy over that album. His mixtape run and his feature run in 2018/2019 are the only 2 instances ive seen cole be at that level. His reach is undeniable tho, there's a reason he's considered top 3 of the 2010s so i wouldnt be surprised people regard him as that

  • Mar 16, 2021

    U gotta take on the task of converting them to Kendrick fans lol. It can be done u just gotta ease them into it. I've done it with a couple women

    Nah lol she a dub if she ever thought that for me not my type of girl usually

  • May 16, 2021

    The next Cole era will probably be his best cause he’s been working on it the longest and it seems like he’s gonna have a lot to say.

    He might prove me wrong

    yeah i’d say so

    post aged like wine

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    OP lost. It's funny cause Cole has a better legacy than T.I. atp

  • May 16, 2021

    J Cole still trash

  • May 16, 2021

    j Cole really the most best rapper out there

  • May 16, 2021

    by the masses he's considered a great already

    personally i dont think he has a great album. FHD and Offseason are just good.

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    OP lost. It's funny cause Cole has a better legacy than T.I. atp

    its funny to laugh at TI's shenanigans now but that man gave us Trap Muzik, Urban Legend and King. That 3 album run was crazy

  • May 16, 2021

    Title still a r e t a r d e d conundrum

  • May 16, 2021


    Look at these great rappers

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Why haven't they collabed yet smh

    He let nas down

  • Imagine stanning a trash can

  • Kengi 💭
    May 16, 2021

    J.cole will never be considered great because his music is just mediocre

  • May 16, 2021

    j cole never ever impressed me with anything ever

  • May 16, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba

    He let nas down


  • May 16, 2021

    Not a day goes by where I don’t remember this Reddit post from 6 years ago

  • May 16, 2021

    its funny to laugh at TI's shenanigans now but that man gave us Trap Muzik, Urban Legend and King. That 3 album run was crazy

    Not denying that. 03-08 was crazy for t.i.. cole still has a better legacy

  • Nessy 🦎
    May 16, 2021

    he tries too hard to be the stereotypical great rapper that appeals to everybody
