  • Apr 9, 2021

    need to know her age before I say what I wanna say

  • Apr 9, 2021
    2 replies

    "Nice to know that there are people who think in similar ways to me"

    Too much to unpack right there tbh


    What’s so weird about that lol

    Sometimes I’ll be thinking about why something is the case and seeing that someone else also thinks about that stuff is kind of a nice feeling

  • Apr 9, 2021

    need tiktok embeds on this site so i can stop getting fat b****es

  • Apr 9, 2021
    3 replies

    I was in high school 2013-2017

    I mean we were both in school during the same era essentially so trends and whatever crossed over

    But what I'm saying is that TikTok is a huge root of problems in the youth. Seriously. MAYBE it's just because it's the most popular social media so that's why I blame it. But fr, you're gonna sit here and say that kids were "always this putrid"? Nah bro. Fr.

    The introduction of all this weird trend s***/stereotyping and also because of the political turmoil we're in has ruined an entire demographic of teenagers essentially (well MOST of them at least)

    They are more depressed than ever, have cynical views of the world, more judgemental, rude, etc.

    I talked about this in a thread earlier today where some user in the music section named Ryuka said "It's okay to laugh at dead people". While defending that song that sampled "A Thousand Miles".

    If that's what represents most of teenagers nowadays, then they are more toxic than ever.

  • Apr 9, 2021


    What’s so weird about that lol

    Sometimes I’ll be thinking about why something is the case and seeing that someone else also thinks about that stuff is kind of a nice feeling

    relating to others = echo chamber

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    y are u recommending me basic white women and food

    no girl who can eat food like that is basic s*** is an art

  • Apr 9, 2021

    she knows too much


    “you talking too much shawtyyyyy”

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Started a specific diversity fund for creators

    Changed algorithms

    Hired people specifically to find ways to deal w it

    And donated $5m to racial justice organizations

    Not saying s*** isn’t gonna be surface level PR bs but that’s every corporation ever

    I'll look more into this
    cuz I don't believe it for a second lmao

    I'll ask tech savy people about these algorithms cuz to my limited understanding, they can def fix it.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    no girl who can eat food like that is basic s*** is an art




    oh im guessing shes on Ontario tik tok after peeping

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I'm 23 and totally disconnected from the current 18 year olds of today. Vibe so much more with someone who's like 28 the kids these days are already so different from me

    Yeah bro, you grew up at the perfect time.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Am I The Only One Who Keeps Seeing This Chick Tho

    wait i might know this girl

  • Apr 9, 2021

    cap, all i get is fat b****es and food

    in :elon:

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Yeah bro, you grew up at the perfect time.

    I vividly remember the world before everything went online but also grew up just as youtube and everything started wild being there at the beginning. Being a zillenial is wild perspective

  • Apr 9, 2021

    I'll look more into this
    cuz I don't believe it for a second lmao

    I'll ask tech savy people about these algorithms cuz to my limited understanding, they can def fix it.

    I’m sure there’s a way to fix things

    But Facebook Twitter and Instagram have been around for a decade and they still haven’t

    I agree 100% it’s probably PR bullshit but its not a problem that is exclusive to TikTok by any means

  • Apr 9, 2021


    What’s so weird about that lol

    Sometimes I’ll be thinking about why something is the case and seeing that someone else also thinks about that stuff is kind of a nice feeling

    Two words...
    Echo chambers

  • Apr 9, 2021
    4 replies

    I mean we were both in school during the same era essentially so trends and whatever crossed over

    But what I'm saying is that TikTok is a huge root of problems in the youth. Seriously. MAYBE it's just because it's the most popular social media so that's why I blame it. But fr, you're gonna sit here and say that kids were "always this putrid"? Nah bro. Fr.

    The introduction of all this weird trend s***/stereotyping and also because of the political turmoil we're in has ruined an entire demographic of teenagers essentially (well MOST of them at least)

    They are more depressed than ever, have cynical views of the world, more judgemental, rude, etc.

    I talked about this in a thread earlier today where some user in the music section named Ryuka said "It's okay to laugh at dead people". While defending that song that sampled "A Thousand Miles".

    If that's what represents most of teenagers nowadays, then they are more toxic than ever.

    how is that tik Tok fault people are more depressed and cynical cause they lived through two once in a life time recessions, and an uncertain future which is just reflected through Tik Tok (social media in general).

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean we were both in school during the same era essentially so trends and whatever crossed over

    But what I'm saying is that TikTok is a huge root of problems in the youth. Seriously. MAYBE it's just because it's the most popular social media so that's why I blame it. But fr, you're gonna sit here and say that kids were "always this putrid"? Nah bro. Fr.

    The introduction of all this weird trend s***/stereotyping and also because of the political turmoil we're in has ruined an entire demographic of teenagers essentially (well MOST of them at least)

    They are more depressed than ever, have cynical views of the world, more judgemental, rude, etc.

    I talked about this in a thread earlier today where some user in the music section named Ryuka said "It's okay to laugh at dead people". While defending that song that sampled "A Thousand Miles".

    If that's what represents most of teenagers nowadays, then they are more toxic than ever.

    idk bro none of that s*** is remotely surprising to me

    But what I do often see for young people on TikTok is accountability
    If someone says something racist or homophobic they get called it for it incredibly quickly
    Idk about you but I know for certain a lot of that s*** tended to just slide at high school 5 years ago as f***ed up as that is

  • Apr 9, 2021

    Yall are still going huh

  • Travi$ UniverseCity
    @NiceLikeChrist get the olive oil out the pantry again :Jordanlaff:

  • Apr 9, 2021

    It’s also very cringe, but I use reddit probably more than anything else. I barely ever post, I just use it for information on things I’m getting into or already interested in.

    You gotta tailor that home page to your interests though because that popular page will have you fstow about a whole lot of s*** you didn’t even know about that doesn’t even really affect you personally REAL quick.

  • Apr 9, 2021

    how is that tik Tok fault people are more depressed and cynical cause they lived through two once in a life time recessions, and an uncertain future which is just reflected through Tik Tok (social media in general).

    this got it fr

  • now look at this

  • Apr 9, 2021
    1 reply

    ktt users calling another platform an echo chamber

  • Apr 9, 2021

    how is that tik Tok fault people are more depressed and cynical cause they lived through two once in a life time recessions, and an uncertain future which is just reflected through Tik Tok (social media in general).

    breakdown of capitalism 100%
