  • Dec 8, 2021

    Like pay your employees and stop siphoning off me

  • Dec 8, 2021

    lmao too real

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Tip anyway

  • Dec 8, 2021
    2 replies

    tip in solidarity

  • Dec 8, 2021
    5 replies

    Still Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues
    Tippin On Four Fours Wrapped In Four Vogues

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    "it's inflammatory, it gets the people going!"

  • Kengi 💭
    Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    My friend a waitress and she making bank with a job she needed no special qualifications for so kinda no.

    But I dunno how it is in america tbh

  • Dec 8, 2021

    My friend a waitress and she making bank with a job she needed no special qualifications for so kinda no.

    But I dunno how it is in america tbh

    Speaking from someone who used to work at a restaurant servers make more than most that work there

  • Dec 8, 2021
    2 replies

    ktt and tipping

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Ima b real idk what gaslighting means but I know it’s bad

  • Dec 8, 2021
    3 replies

    People use the word gaslighting for anything lmao

  • Dec 8, 2021

    You're right but still tipping

  • Dec 8, 2021

    "it's inflammatory, it gets the people going!"

    @op why did u delete my post

    thats not what gaslighting is
    am i being gaslighted rn???

  • Dec 8, 2021
    2 replies

    mandatory tipping makes it so off-putting to visit america.

    in 2021 you gonna force customers to pay the salary of your workers smfh.

  • Dec 8, 2021

    People use the word gaslighting for anything lmao

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 8, 2021

    People use the word gaslighting for anything lmao

  • Dec 8, 2021
    7 replies

    KTT has this odd thing against tipping and I don’t get it lol. Especially cause this the same bootlicker-ass sxn that’ll act like the price of the food will increase if you increase the wages soooooo

    Like if you dont got it nigga dont go out. Non-negotiable.

    And no, don’t reply with ya “workers should strike for wage increases” bullshit when I’m pretty sure you dont check up on nor care about what has been going on in the restaurant industry lately.

    And yes. It’s possible to want their wages to increase while in the meantime understand them niggas make below minimum wage right now and tip lol.

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Y’all really got no clue that gaslighting is a term for abusers huh

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Anything that’ll save me money. Ay OP you right

  • Nessy 🦎
    Dec 8, 2021

    Ima b real idk what gaslighting means but I know it’s bad

    dont worry nobody does

  • Dec 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Nah in other countries where employees are paid at least min wage by the restaurants then it's still customary. Or it's automatically included on the bill as a service charge

    Also a lot of people who run restaurants aren't rich it's an industry where the profit margins often small. A lot of the places by me run by regular ass people and their families

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply
    rich scouser

    Nah in other countries where employees are paid at least min wage by the restaurants then it's still customary. Or it's automatically included on the bill as a service charge

    Also a lot of people who run restaurants aren't rich it's an industry where the profit margins often small. A lot of the places by me run by regular ass people and their families

    if you can’t make sure your employees make at least a minimum wage you shouldn’t own a business period

  • Dec 8, 2021

    if you can’t make sure your employees make at least a minimum wage you shouldn’t own a business period

    I don't see what that has to do with my post

    Im saying everyone around the world tips even in countries where restaurants have to pay min.wage so you an.asshole if you tryna use that excuse to not tip

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Only broke boys are heavily against tipping

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    KTT has this odd thing against tipping and I don’t get it lol. Especially cause this the same bootlicker-ass sxn that’ll act like the price of the food will increase if you increase the wages soooooo

    Like if you dont got it nigga dont go out. Non-negotiable.

    And no, don’t reply with ya “workers should strike for wage increases” bullshit when I’m pretty sure you dont check up on nor care about what has been going on in the restaurant industry lately.

    And yes. It’s possible to want their wages to increase while in the meantime understand them niggas make below minimum wage right now and tip lol.

    We can tip and want owners to pay their workers so we no longer have to tip
