  • Dec 8, 2021

    We can tip and want owners to pay their workers so we no longer have to tip

    you said the same thing I said in the last sentence

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Weekly tipping thread. If you don’t want to tip order takeout it’s simple

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Weekly tipping thread. If you don’t want to tip order takeout it’s simple

    Damn u don't tip the delivery guy? Lol

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply
    le epic poster xD

    Damn u don't tip the delivery guy? Lol

    Takeout is not delivery of course I tip my delivery drivers

  • treeman

    Takeout is not delivery of course I tip my delivery drivers

    Sorry I misread

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Stop tipping.

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Just tip

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Giving another man a tip

  • I don't tip

    just like they tell you on a plane

    save yourself before the peons

  • DZE

    Just tip

  • ny bookers

    Stop tipping.

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply
    rich scouser

    Nah in other countries where employees are paid at least min wage by the restaurants then it's still customary. Or it's automatically included on the bill as a service charge

    Also a lot of people who run restaurants aren't rich it's an industry where the profit margins often small. A lot of the places by me run by regular ass people and their families

    tipping is specific to America. Niggas outside here don't do it

  • Dec 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    tipping is specific to America. Niggas outside here don't do it

    Idk if you're trolling but no it's not I'm not American. Every country has its own customs. In some countries like I say it can be included on the bill as a service charge. In others, like mine in the UK, everyone who isn't a bum tips

  • Dec 8, 2021
    rich scouser

    Idk if you're trolling but no it's not I'm not American. Every country has its own customs. In some countries like I say it can be included on the bill as a service charge. In others, like mine in the UK, everyone who isn't a bum tips

  • Dec 8, 2021

    When I was in Switzerland some of the workers didn’t want us to tip. Feel like this one girl even took it offensive af

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Best pre career job I had was working valet on the Strip. Made $1500/week in tips working 4 days. Didn’t include hourly.

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Good service = Tip

    Bad service = No Tip

    How is this hard to comprehend

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Giving another man a tip

  • Dec 8, 2021

    Also if you pro tip motherfuckers only tip at restauraunts youre hypocrites

    Anyone who does work for me I slide them a extra few bucks if i f*** with them

    But if you save your tipping rhetoric only towards waiters then youre being a performative activist

  • Drogon

    mandatory tipping makes it so off-putting to visit america.

    in 2021 you gonna force customers to pay the salary of your workers smfh.

    Mandatory tipping is no different than it being factored already into the food. Tipping is better for wait staff most of the time.

  • Dec 8, 2021

    tip in solidarity

  • Dec 8, 2021

    KTT has this odd thing against tipping and I don’t get it lol. Especially cause this the same bootlicker-ass sxn that’ll act like the price of the food will increase if you increase the wages soooooo

    Like if you dont got it nigga dont go out. Non-negotiable.

    And no, don’t reply with ya “workers should strike for wage increases” bullshit when I’m pretty sure you dont check up on nor care about what has been going on in the restaurant industry lately.

    And yes. It’s possible to want their wages to increase while in the meantime understand them niggas make below minimum wage right now and tip lol.

  • Dec 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Tipping got ktt2 in an eternal headlock, an endless war amongst people who study alpha male videos

  • fiveprestos

    Tipping got ktt2 in an eternal headlock, an endless war amongst people who study alpha male videos
