  • Jan 14, 2021

    3k isn't enough imo unless you live in like thailand or something. If an emergency happens you might burn through that 3k quickly so would advise you at least have 6 months worth of expenses saved up just in case. No better feeling than knowing you're covered in case anything happen.

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    some truly horrible advice being given itt

    people talm bout moving out is some momentous decision that u need to have all your ducks in a row for. not really. it's not that complicated, you pay the rent, you look after yourself, you learn s*** along the way.

    i moved out at 17 and it was f***ing awesome. i was miserable at home. stifled. i wanted to see the big city and experience life!! i had student loans to cover me while i was in Uni. took on some debt, but looking back it was well worth it

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers. don't listen to these neckbeards trying to drag you down to their level. yes there will be challenges, but that's what life is all about, learning and figuring stuff out. those late teen early 20 years are golden and you need to be experiencing s*** otherwise you might get comfortable being a neckbeard at home and end up like a 40 year old virgin.

    any advice you want, just ask. im 29 now. own my own condo downtown, got a benz, got a nice job. got my designer clothes and home studio.

    take the plunge OP and get the f*** outta there. don't look back.

    Riskier option but if you want to go for it by all means @op !!!

    We all want to be like ktt user who boasts about his very unique path that led him to his riches, car, and cool clothes!

    Remember, his path means NOTHING for you. His circumstances and opportunities will be completely different than yours.

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    some truly horrible advice being given itt

    people talm bout moving out is some momentous decision that u need to have all your ducks in a row for. not really. it's not that complicated, you pay the rent, you look after yourself, you learn s*** along the way.

    i moved out at 17 and it was f***ing awesome. i was miserable at home. stifled. i wanted to see the big city and experience life!! i had student loans to cover me while i was in Uni. took on some debt, but looking back it was well worth it

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers. don't listen to these neckbeards trying to drag you down to their level. yes there will be challenges, but that's what life is all about, learning and figuring stuff out. those late teen early 20 years are golden and you need to be experiencing s*** otherwise you might get comfortable being a neckbeard at home and end up like a 40 year old virgin.

    any advice you want, just ask. im 29 now. own my own condo downtown, got a benz, got a nice job. got my designer clothes and home studio.

    take the plunge OP and get the f*** outta there. don't look back.

    nice bait

  • Jan 14, 2021
    Yung Dagger D

    nice bait

    nice troll post. not biting

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Riskier option but if you want to go for it by all means @op !!!

    We all want to be like ktt user who boasts about his very unique path that led him to his riches, car, and cool clothes!

    Remember, his path means NOTHING for you. His circumstances and opportunities will be completely different than yours.

    yes my very unique path of moving out, going to university, and getting a job after. never heard anything like it wow

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    some truly horrible advice being given itt

    people talm bout moving out is some momentous decision that u need to have all your ducks in a row for. not really. it's not that complicated, you pay the rent, you look after yourself, you learn s*** along the way.

    i moved out at 17 and it was f***ing awesome. i was miserable at home. stifled. i wanted to see the big city and experience life!! i had student loans to cover me while i was in Uni. took on some debt, but looking back it was well worth it

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers. don't listen to these neckbeards trying to drag you down to their level. yes there will be challenges, but that's what life is all about, learning and figuring stuff out. those late teen early 20 years are golden and you need to be experiencing s*** otherwise you might get comfortable being a neckbeard at home and end up like a 40 year old virgin.

    any advice you want, just ask. im 29 now. own my own condo downtown, got a benz, got a nice job. got my designer clothes and home studio.

    take the plunge OP and get the f*** outta there. don't look back.

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers.

    This is hilarious to read, because I live in an area where nobody can live by themselves comfortably and afford rent unless they have a very well paying job.

    But then again, the idea of using your college loans to subsidize your rent and then pray that you can get a nice job at the end.... is a risk, that many people should not take because a job isn't promised at the end of college

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers.

    This is hilarious to read, because I live in an area where nobody can live by themselves comfortably and afford rent unless they have a very well paying job.

    But then again, the idea of using your college loans to subsidize your rent and then pray that you can get a nice job at the end.... is a risk, that many people should not take because a job isn't promised at the end of college

    i would say its not as much of a risk as you think.

    you can live very cheaply when you are young if you are frugal. 30k might seem like a lot now, but once you start working and grow up a bit, you realize it's not that much. people regularly buy cars worth twice that much who are not rich.

    use the money carefully and be fruegal when you are young and don't mind

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    yes my very unique path of moving out, going to university, and getting a job after. never heard anything like it wow

    If you do not realize the almost infinite variables involved between two people making this similar life decision then idk what else to tell you.

  • Jan 14, 2021

    some truly horrible advice being given itt

    people talm bout moving out is some momentous decision that u need to have all your ducks in a row for. not really. it's not that complicated, you pay the rent, you look after yourself, you learn s*** along the way.

    i moved out at 17 and it was f***ing awesome. i was miserable at home. stifled. i wanted to see the big city and experience life!! i had student loans to cover me while i was in Uni. took on some debt, but looking back it was well worth it

    the only people i know who stayed living at home past like 20 are f***ing losers. don't listen to these neckbeards trying to drag you down to their level. yes there will be challenges, but that's what life is all about, learning and figuring stuff out. those late teen early 20 years are golden and you need to be experiencing s*** otherwise you might get comfortable being a neckbeard at home and end up like a 40 year old virgin.

    any advice you want, just ask. im 29 now. own my own condo downtown, got a benz, got a nice job. got my designer clothes and home studio.

    take the plunge OP and get the f*** outta there. don't look back.

    How many f***ing alts are you gonna make queef latina?

  • Jan 14, 2021
    2 replies

    If you do not realize the almost infinite variables involved between two people making this similar life decision then idk what else to tell you.

    you do realize that everyone moves out eventually right?

    i mean, unless you're a big loser but yeah most people anyway

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    i would say its not as much of a risk as you think.

    you can live very cheaply when you are young if you are frugal. 30k might seem like a lot now, but once you start working and grow up a bit, you realize it's not that much. people regularly buy cars worth twice that much who are not rich.

    use the money carefully and be fruegal when you are young and don't mind

    Average rent in my area is ~ $1,500 on the low end. That's $18,000 a year just on rent. Then you have other expenses, let's assume you're paying $50 a month for your phone bill, $40 a month for gas (i.e, $20 of gas every two weeks), and that you pay $100 a month for car insurance.


    It is not as easy as "get a job and move out" in many areas. You need a good plan, and a good amount of savings. I know people who have moved out and they have struggled (being early 20s, either in college, or out of college working full time).

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Average rent in my area is ~ $1,500 on the low end. That's $18,000 a year just on rent. Then you have other expenses, let's assume you're paying $50 a month for your phone bill, $40 a month for gas (i.e, $20 of gas every two weeks), and that you pay $100 a month for car insurance.


    It is not as easy as "get a job and move out" in many areas. You need a good plan, and a good amount of savings. I know people who have moved out and they have struggled (being early 20s, either in college, or out of college working full time).

    just telling u my experience but its very expensive where i live and most people i know move out around 18. i had basically zero money when i left but i had a loan like i said

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    you do realize that everyone moves out eventually right?

    i mean, unless you're a big loser but yeah most people anyway

    This has nothing to do with the point at hand. Appreciate your time though

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Some backstory:

    I'm 19, I've been sheltered for basically my whole life, only had a social life through school due to my overprotective parents, I don't have a license yet and personally I want to do this to improve my mental health, overcome my addictions and grow as a man.

    I got 3k in the bank another 5k invested in stocks and I'm currently looking at apartments near by the college I'm going to.

    The problems I have rn are that I don't have a job and idk how I'm going to pay for college because most likely my parents won't help me with that if I'm gone, so I'm trying to build another source of income to manage that.

    we in the same situation bro I moved out last month

  • Jan 14, 2021
    2 replies

    This has nothing to do with the point at hand. Appreciate your time though

    this u bro?

  • Jan 14, 2021

    this u bro?

    Yes. How did you find me?

  • VVV

    we in the same situation bro I moved out last month

    good s***. no excuses

    your life
    your decisions

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply
    Majin GoldenChild

    if OP wants his license he should test for his license
    if OP wants a job he should apply for some positions
    if OP wants to move out of his parents place he should find apt's within his budget

    anyone saying this advice is wrong is a victim and will always be a victim.

    enjoy your miserable victim life

    OP isn't doing any of that with 3 thousand dollars it is quite literally not enough

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    this u bro?

    Why are you avoiding the fact you’re an alt of a user who just got perma’d a week or two ago. Cmon big adult man take responsibility

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    OP isn't doing any of that with 3 thousand dollars it is quite literally not enough

    Gotta make more money then huh

  • Jan 14, 2021

    moving out of your parents house to overcome your addictions? Tf are you addicted to, your mommies prescriptions?

  • Jan 14, 2021
    1 reply

    Why are you avoiding the fact you’re an alt of a user who just got perma’d a week or two ago. Cmon big adult man take responsibility

    whose mans are u bro. never seen u in my life

  • Jan 14, 2021
    Majin GoldenChild

    Gotta make more money then huh

    So he should make money before he moves out then do all of that

  • Jan 14, 2021

    horrific advice all throughout this thread
