  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    Looks like they're just assuming it's him being bipolar when he doesn't have the same opinion than other people

    There’s a difference between not having the same opinions as others and having batshit insane actions & interviews.

    That “policy” article the other day was some unhinged s***. Literally sounded like a parody.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    ye is just being ye, and THEY want you to believe he is a maniac. The Michael Jackson treatment.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    No matter the news, it’s always F*** TMZ

  • Jul 9, 2020

    You right lemme just call him up rn and talk some sense into him

    Yes keep being dense. That’s going to help him.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply
    Monky business

    half the time people say he is having a manic episode because he makes a dumb point

    A dumb point or several questionable decisions?

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    A dumb point or several questionable decisions?

    What decisions?
    I am talking more specifically about the Forbes interview and what was going on itt yesterday. People were saying he needed medical help because he said he was pro-life and anti-vax

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Yesterday someone said you can tell he's having a manic episode because he's tweeting from his iPhone rather than a computer

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Been manic before and reading that Forbes interview I was either thinking it was mania or cocaine

  • If he starts tweeting today it's going to get bad

  • Jul 9, 2020

    "tmz source" is code for Kris Jenner, right?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Fairly obvious this is what’s happening

  • Jul 9, 2020

    Idk man people are talking about this as if its some manic level s*** but he repeating talking points you find on Facebook and s***
    This isnt "Jay-Z please don't send your killers" or "Slavery sounds like a choice", he's an adult and he needs to listen to educated people, but he's too stubborn to

    Let’s be honest Kanye is probably intimidated by educated people because they’re the ones who call him out, or try to “control” him as Kanye puts it.

    He’d rather listen to conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers because they don’t check Ye when he says dumb s***

  • Jul 9, 2020
    Monky business

    What decisions?
    I am talking more specifically about the Forbes interview and what was going on itt yesterday. People were saying he needed medical help because he said he was pro-life and anti-vax

    Alright bro you got it.

  • Jul 9, 2020
    4 replies

    He was going off on making his presidential organisation model based around WAKANDA and people think he was normal during the interview?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    He was going off on making his presidential organisation model based around WAKANDA and people think he was normal during the interview?

    Don't disrespect Wakanda

  • Jul 9, 2020
    3 replies

    He was going off on making his presidential organisation model based around WAKANDA and people think he was normal during the interview?

    I don't think that is a bad thing to say. Especially coming from an innovator like him.

    People that think small or are afraid to sound crazy, will feel uncomfortable hearing s*** like that.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    I don't think that is a bad thing to say. Especially coming from an innovator like him.

    People that think small or are afraid to sound crazy, will feel uncomfortable hearing s*** like that.

    you need to post more, this is straaaaaight facts.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    I don't think that is a bad thing to say. Especially coming from an innovator like him.

    People that think small or are afraid to sound crazy, will feel uncomfortable hearing s*** like that.

    What part of
    "Let’s get back to Wakanda . . . like in the movie in Wakanda when the king went to visit that lead scientist to have the shoes wrap around her shoes. Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together. This is not going to be some Nipsey Hussle being murdered, they’re doing a documentary, we have so many soldiers that die for our freedom, our freedom of information, that there is a cure for AIDS out there, there is going to be a mix of big pharma and holistic.” makes sense? definitely sounds like he's been ramping up thinking about all this s***

  • TMZ + Ye in any fashion = chaos

  • Jul 9, 2020

    He is definitely manic right now. Probably went off the meds to make the new album.

  • Jul 9, 2020

    this is lame af

  • Jul 9, 2020
    Noah Sammak III

    Or maybe they’re seeing all the other effects of his condition behind closed doors 🤷‍♂️

    which is why they offer no news to the story, only repeating s*** we’ve already heard and adding a “the family is worried” sentence?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    normalizing mental health discussion is cool, but the media’s f***ed it up. they’re usin it as just another way to call ppl crazy, except now it can be “proven” by diagnoses

  • Jul 9, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't think that is a bad thing to say. Especially coming from an innovator like him.

    People that think small or are afraid to sound crazy, will feel uncomfortable hearing s*** like that.


    Why is wakanda being viewed as a negative aspiration ?

  • Jul 9, 2020

    No matter the news, it’s always F*** TMZ