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  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Tyler's music is for anyone and everyone. So corny to see people saying he makes music for white boys. We are in 2021 and still saying dumb s*** like that .

    Its like saying only white people should wear Vans

    okay. but its the truth.

    my bad I forgot the truth dont matter no more

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Water Giver

    I agree with most you said but

    "Barbershops" especially as a hangout is mostly a black & low class thing lol, because we dont have or didnt have any money to do much.

    Suburbs & up are not hanging out at their cut places like that.

    Khaled was obviously insinuating he (and others like him) wasnt for or of the streets, niggas & "culture", which ok, but then he goes on acting as if that area of music is not valid nor wanted/popular nor black or "in" enough. Which he does not have the right to say, & two he is one hundred percent wrong.

    But the second part is probably due to him not being in thay circle pr space to know how big & accepted it is nowadays.

    Tyler is a weordo bi-polarish-like person, im not disagreeing with that, but khaleds comments goes beyond tyler, and he was def talking about "niggas" & barbershop stereotypes as a monolith.

    barbershops are for the low class?

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Oh brother, again ?. How did Khaled trigger Tyler and his fans to this level. I forgot about this s*** 🤣

    cuz Tyler bringing it up on his promo tour. which is wack imo

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Tyler was making that mayo music till just recently

    he still is. don't let him trick y'all wit that yb and 42dugg feature

  • Aug 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Tyler probably ends up on a Khaled album one day

  • Aug 8, 2021

    okay. but its the truth.

    my bad I forgot the truth dont matter no more

    What makes his music only for white people?

  • truudatz

    barbershops are for the low class?

    he just called all black men low class 😭😭

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Tyler probably ends up on a Khaled album one day

    nope you have to have hits to be on a khaled album 🤷‍♂️

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Tyler probably ends up on a Khaled album one day

    Tyler said he f***ed with Khaled growing up

  • Aug 8, 2021
    mr get dough

    Tyler said he f***ed with Khaled growing up

    DJ Khaled presents Tyler the Creator Featuring French Montana, Meek Mill, & Lil Durk.

    Can’t wait

  • Aug 8, 2021

    @FREE talk to em twin

  • Aug 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Cause Khaled never been to a barbershop

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Cause Khaled never been to a barbershop

    his house a barber shop

  • Aug 8, 2021

    Niggas really ITT like

    “He’s right so it can’t be racist”

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Tbh tyler is at an age where he is soon to be treated like an OG like cole, drake and kendrick atm. He’s realizing he can be known for who he was before or now

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Do Tyler fans have nothing better to do than bring this up weekly? Don’t y’all have an album that just dropped to discuss or his weirdo grooming tendencies? I bet Khaled even forgot he said this.

    Yo can you tell me about that grooming tendecies s***?

    Have seen something about grooming in every Tyler post and i dont know if its true

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Khaled need to go back to being the Kevin Feige of hip hop and give us posse cuts to actually discuss at barbershop

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    Yo can you tell me about that grooming tendecies s***?

    Have seen something about grooming in every Tyler post and i dont know if its true

    His last album is all about a girl who he liked and met when she was 17 years old, even worse is it was one of his friends girl, dude is a sicko. Not sure what any grown man is doing around 17 year olds let alone a celebrity.

  • Aug 9, 2021

    I thought I heard it all

  • Aug 9, 2021
    1 reply

    His last album is all about a girl who he liked and met when she was 17 years old, even worse is it was one of his friends girl, dude is a sicko. Not sure what any grown man is doing around 17 year olds let alone a celebrity.

    Damn and this nigga 30 years old

    Thats big creep behavior. It is know his age of when he met that girl? Because if its recent...

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Khaled calling Tyler mysterious music and mentioning barbershops was a great example of how we let stereotypes of black people flourish if it's against someone we don't see as "black" or "down".

    Khaled was racist asf for that s*** and Tyler had every right to be mad having an Arab dude who said nigga feel like he could son him in a black genre.

    He stereotyped black music and then tried to weaponize a community place that's well known black people socialize in to attack a black artist and say "I get played by more black people then you".

    He was way out of line for that and people on here ran with it as a joke without really thinking about the connotations of what he said.

    shutcho weird ass up T da God but we love khaled u b******, just like he can speak his peace so can Khaled... literally ths wat tht nigga talked bout at hot 97... its his truth .... we need tht LETTTSSSS GGOOOOOOOOOO.... WE DDAAAA BEESSTTTT... still waitin on the sextape 2 ma niggga got tht heavy stroke

  • Aug 9, 2021

    we turning into twitter

  • Aug 9, 2021

    I never thought of it like that, damn

  • Aug 9, 2021

    Damn and this nigga 30 years old

    Thats big creep behavior. It is know his age of when he met that girl? Because if its recent...

    I believe someone figured out when she was 16/17, they have an 11 year age gap so he must’ve been 27/28

  • Aug 9, 2021

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