You are openly saying you don’t give a f*** about human rights, women’s rights, the environment, people of color, LGBTQ rights, immigrants, or literally anything/anyone but yourself
Lesser of two evils only applies when each side is evil. Nothing about Biden or his platform is “evil” and it would tremendously benefit hundreds of thousands if not millions of people from those groups I named above
“VoTe ShAmInG DoEsnT WoRk” I don’t care what you have to say quite frankly, stupid & selfish people deserve to be shamed 😆🤣
people like you make it so easy to not vote in this election
people like you make it so easy to not vote in this election
Nothing I said was false. It is disgusting to act this way
We don’t need your votes anyways lmao
I can’t blame anyone for voting for the party that actually agrees with them, even if it happens to be a third party
Maybe Joe should’ve done a better job making policies that appeal to those people
america is one of the only countries where you only vote republicans vs democrats and the others don't have a chance
that's why you only have s***ty president after s***ty president because both republicans and democrats are corrupt and you keep voting for them
instead of being morons americans should look outside your little box look at the other candidates more , 3rd party candidates could be the solution america desperately needs to get out of the hole they have been for almost the last 20 years
( btw im not saying kanye in any way is a suitable candidate tho )
bush was trash
obama was trash
trump is/was trash
biden was/will be trash
Honestly, I'd rather have the system we have now than a monarchy
Nothing I said was false. It is disgusting to act this way
We don’t need your votes anyways lmao
why has the Biden campaign been crying all Summer for leftists to vote for them then?
Honestly, I'd rather have the system we have now than a monarchy
you're right in a way, old monarchies are terrible and basically dictatorships, newer monarchies still suck but they now have prime ministers that can come from anywhere so even they can be better
Like i understand not voting 3rd party and thinking its a waste of a vote but to shame the people who choose to is so f***ing asanine, congrats you voted for biden wow you're so morally better than someone who votes for someone they allign with more politically
Nothing about biden is evil? Okay bro we will see about that. This dude been evil his whole career, is he better than Trump? Yes but dont act as if hes this great candidate
@op is very clearly a political shill so i’m banning