Not rap but the new RAAHiiM project is f***ing crazy. Toronto R&B is different
@Vietbrah @AJVLANEY @FitzG @mjpplus @Campaign
Added, good looks
Not rap but the new RAAHiiM project is f***ing crazy. Toronto R&B is different
@Vietbrah @AJVLANEY @FitzG @mjpplus @Campaign
Alright I peeped it and looked at the lore. It's a nice listen tbh, he's 23 and from Brampton. Nineteen from dvsn produced the whole album and the influence is clear. Sounds like a Brent Faiyaz/dvsn hybrid
Y’all peep the new Pressa tape?
two very impressive talent in canada
he sound like s*** lol
You peep the news Shaqisdope project? @416
Not yet. Is it worth giving a listen?
Not yet. Is it worth giving a listen?
It’s solid, if you’re not a fan of him it’s not gonna win you over or anything
Top 5 on AK’s stream tonight lmao
I'm mad i like this lmao
So hard