The judge about to hit him with “just say you hate black women and leave”
Aii im out this thread yall not being mature
Tory was violent with women way before Megan, y'all just didn't hear about it
Heard about it from different ppl who know ppl who know him
Heard about it from different ppl who know ppl who know him
that s*** is on google foh
he also got a girl to beat up Celina Powell, i seen all this s*** but im not gonna help bury a black man
that s*** is on google foh
Didn't know that
But only proves what I said so?
Didn't know that
But only proves what I said so?
@DonutHole tell em I never lie bro lol
this woman is a pathological liar. I believe 0% of anything she says.
Jim Lewis, a lawyer and representative for Lanez, seemed to cast doubt on Megan's claims.
"The 'victim' doesn’t appear to be seriously injured, since I saw her on Saturday Night Live last week,” he told Vulture.
We reached out to Megan's team for a response but they declined to comment
Lemme shoot u, then u perform the next week
If the people waited this long to charge, it may be a wrap for Tory.
Still I only see him doing 1-2 years if he did it
He won't even be found guilty.
ain’t about who’s right/wrong it’s about how much you can prove I can see Tory winning this in this 2020 timeline