  • Updated Feb 14

    What is this?

    RPG series developed by Nihon Falcom. There are currently 12 games in this series, all these games take place in the same world and the stories are interconnected. These games are split into 5 arcs - Liberl, Crossbell, Erebonia, Trails into Reverie (this is a standalone game following up from Crossbell and Erebonia arcs) and Calvard

    Play Order?

    Its recommended that you play the game in the order that the arcs were released

    • Liberl
    • Crossbell
    • Erebonia
    • Reverie
    • Calvard

    It is possible to not start from the beginning since each arc follows a different protagonist/party, if you wish to do so then its recommend that you at least start from the beginning of an arc - so if you wanted to start on the Erebonia Arc then start from Cold Steel 1 rather than Cold Steel 3. It really is recommended that you start from the Liberl Arc though as all the games are interconnected and you may miss the background/references to returning characters in new arcs.


    Liberl Arc


    • Trails in the Sky FC (PC)
    • Trails in the Sky SC (PC)
    • Trails in the Sky the 3rd (PC)


    Recommend that you install the Evolution Mods on the pastebin

    Crossbel Arc


    • Trails From Zero (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)
    • Trails to Azure (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)

    Erebonia Arc


    • Trails of Cold Steel 1 (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)
    • Trails of Cold Steel 2 (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)
    • Trails of Cold Steel 3 (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)
    • Trails of Cold Steel 4 (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)

    Trails into Reverie

    PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch

    Calvard Arc


    • Trails Through Daybreak (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)
    • Trails Through Daybreak 2 (PC/PS4/Nintendo Switch)


    You can play Daybreak 2 through fan translation

  • Oct 26, 2022

    Out Now

    Trails through Daybreak 2

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply
  • Oct 26, 2022


  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    I should probably finally get around to finishing T*** 3

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    I should probably finally get around to finishing T*** 3

    Didn't know you also plays trails, any thoughts on the games so far?

  • Oct 26, 2022
    1 reply

    Didn't know you also plays trails, any thoughts on the games so far?

    It's been about a year and a half since I finished SC so my memory is kinda iffy here.

    I really enjoy all of the writing, especially anything involving character relationships with each other. I have no complaints about any of that. The gameplay is kinda whatever, it doesn't wow me but it also doesn't really detract from anything. I think the game has a little too much padding? They didn't need to be as long as they were, and the beginning of SC felt like a slog since I had to essentially re-visit locations that I've already been through. I love the world and how everyone has their own little lives. Stuff like the newspaper updating after every chapter and the NPCs getting new dialogue is a nice touch.

    I've mostly delayed my T*** 3 playthrough because I don't really have as much gaming time as I used to, so I value trying out new games as opposed to sequels.

  • just peeking in

  • Oct 26, 2022

    It's been about a year and a half since I finished SC so my memory is kinda iffy here.

    I really enjoy all of the writing, especially anything involving character relationships with each other. I have no complaints about any of that. The gameplay is kinda whatever, it doesn't wow me but it also doesn't really detract from anything. I think the game has a little too much padding? They didn't need to be as long as they were, and the beginning of SC felt like a slog since I had to essentially re-visit locations that I've already been through. I love the world and how everyone has their own little lives. Stuff like the newspaper updating after every chapter and the NPCs getting new dialogue is a nice touch.

    I've mostly delayed my T*** 3 playthrough because I don't really have as much gaming time as I used to, so I value trying out new games as opposed to sequels.

    Yeah I agree with the writing, the character interactions probably my favourite thing about this series so far; wrote about this in the JRPG thread but one of my favourite things in the beginning of SC was Kloe being really concerned about Estelle once she learns about Joshua and just being frustrated she can’t help her; then first thing she does when she gets reunited with Estelle is hug her.

    SC can def feel kinda slow in the beginning since it has the “monster of the week” thing going on for a while when you are revisiting the locations; reuniting with the other characters helped to save it for me though. Biggest offender for me was Chapter 8 where you have to revisit every town AGAIN to install communication devices, which was just annoying and unnecessary.

    But yeah, the world building in this game is pretty incredible and talking to random NPCs is pretty satisfying; your start to recognise them by name and some of them pretty much have their own storyline that develops as you progress through the game

  • Oct 26, 2022

    lol glad y’all actually made the thread damn i need to play these. feel like there’s a million JRPGs that I need to play tho

  • Oct 26, 2022

  • Oct 26, 2022

    In for reverie and kuro localizations

  • Oct 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Trails Into Azure Chapter 2 spoilers

    @wes This guy really just a menace is EVERY scene he is in man holy f\*\*\*

    Anyways I finished Chapter 2 and this chapter was just pure gas; was so happy to see Oliviert and Klaudia again; seeing Lechter interact with Kladuia was nice too. Also they kept subtly bringing up the military academy which I'm assuming is refering to Cold Steel. Getting me hyped for that s\*\*\*

  • Oct 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Trails Into Azure Chapter 2 spoilers

    @wes This guy really just a menace is EVERY scene he is in man holy f\*\*\*

    Anyways I finished Chapter 2 and this chapter was just pure gas; was so happy to see Oliviert and Klaudia again; seeing Lechter interact with Kladuia was nice too. Also they kept subtly bringing up the military academy which I'm assuming is refering to Cold Steel. Getting me hyped for that s\*\*\*

    Huh, I somehow missed that (or maybe just forgot lol). That Intermission chapter

    Also yeah man, Osborne evil as hell.

    How's the game been on Nightmare? Been abusing evade tank Lloyd? lol

  • Oct 28, 2022
    1 reply

    Huh, I somehow missed that (or maybe just forgot lol). That Intermission chapter

    Also yeah man, Osborne evil as hell.

    How's the game been on Nightmare? Been abusing evade tank Lloyd? lol

    I’m on the Intermission chapter rn I was not expecting a beach episode this is cool asf lmao

    I actually went back to normal mode for Azure. But when the NISA port comes out im gonna buy it again and play NG+ on Nightmare since the Geofront saves are compatible. Will go back to Nightmare for Cold Steel games tho

  • Oct 28, 2022

    I’m on the Intermission chapter rn I was not expecting a beach episode this is cool asf lmao

    I actually went back to normal mode for Azure. But when the NISA port comes out im gonna buy it again and play NG+ on Nightmare since the Geofront saves are compatible. Will go back to Nightmare for Cold Steel games tho

    I might have to do the same when Azure comes out. Def do Nightmare for the CS games. 3 was like, real easy on Nightmare. I'm only like 8 hours into 4, but it seems a bit more balanced so far. One of the core mechanics introduced in 3 is incredibly OP, and 4 seems to have fixed it for the most part. Though, like with all these games, I'm sure there is a way to abuse the hell out of something lol.

  • Oct 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Trails To Azure End of Chapter 4 Intermission Spoilers

    @wes Man I refuse to believe they can make a trails game better than what I am playing right now. I have just broke out of the prison with f\*\*\*ing Garcia, then Zeit shows up in his Divine Form and I am screaming right now after finding out that Wazzy is a f\*\*\*ing Dominion Gralsritter; the story has been completely unhinged ever since the trade conference. Deadass don't know where to start so many crazy moments has happened in like the span of 2 chapters; I actually paused the game after this scene to make a post about this cause its too insane

    This scene with Randy was cool as s\*\*\*

    Seeing Ilya get crushed by the chandelier was an extremely f\*\*\*ed up scene; that s\*\*\* was actually disturbing

    Also I was not expecting that Arios crossover man, still cant believe its real. Actually too many crossovers been happening throughout this chapter. When Mariabell approached KeA in the boat I was so shocked man. Deiter insane asf too. The cutscenes after the Arios fight was amazing too with the Aions descending from the sky like Angels. I love this game man

    This Anguis design is also fire and I love her VA

    Not even done with the game but I can't wait for NISA to port this so I can experience it again

  • Oct 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Trails To Azure End of Chapter 4 Intermission Spoilers

    @wes Man I refuse to believe they can make a trails game better than what I am playing right now. I have just broke out of the prison with f\*\*\*ing Garcia, then Zeit shows up in his Divine Form and I am screaming right now after finding out that Wazzy is a f\*\*\*ing Dominion Gralsritter; the story has been completely unhinged ever since the trade conference. Deadass don't know where to start so many crazy moments has happened in like the span of 2 chapters; I actually paused the game after this scene to make a post about this cause its too insane

    This scene with Randy was cool as s\*\*\*

    Seeing Ilya get crushed by the chandelier was an extremely f\*\*\*ed up scene; that s\*\*\* was actually disturbing

    Also I was not expecting that Arios crossover man, still cant believe its real. Actually too many crossovers been happening throughout this chapter. When Mariabell approached KeA in the boat I was so shocked man. Deiter insane asf too. The cutscenes after the Arios fight was amazing too with the Aions descending from the sky like Angels. I love this game man

    This Anguis design is also fire and I love her VA

    Not even done with the game but I can't wait for NISA to port this so I can experience it again

    Bro I said the same f***ing thing. You have no idea how hard I was popping off that entire section I just finished up the first act of CS4 after 25~ hours and it is absolutely living up to the highs of the end of Azure. I legit have no clue what they're going to do to ramp it up even more and this is just the beginning lmao.

    The prison break s\*\*\* was SO GOOD man. Can't say I expected Garcia to be sharing the same cell as Lloyd lol. The arranged version of Inevitable Struggle playing in the background the entire time too.

    The scene when Zeit showed up with his divine form had me dead. Lloyd saying something to the effect of "how is your timing always so good?" cracked me up. When I saw Wazy show up with his new fit and he mentions he's apart of the Gralsritter, and I just shouted "HUHHHH". That s\*\*\* came outta f\*\*\*ing nowhere. I think that's probably one of the things in the series that had me so shocked because that s\*\*\* was NOT on my radar.

    And yeah man, that scene with Randy after he ran off was really good. Definitely one of my favorites in the series. The track is also really good lol.

    Once Bell approached KeA on the boat, I knew some s\*\*\* was up. I also did not expect that Arios betrayal.

    You are in for some s\*\*\* with Arianrhod.

    Did you get all the furniture items for KeA? I was just made aware of this scene last week

    You are making some progress though, damn lol. Like you said, post trade conference, s*** hits the fan. My ass was glued to my chair playing that s***

  • Oct 30, 2022
    1 reply

    Bro I said the same f***ing thing. You have no idea how hard I was popping off that entire section I just finished up the first act of CS4 after 25~ hours and it is absolutely living up to the highs of the end of Azure. I legit have no clue what they're going to do to ramp it up even more and this is just the beginning lmao.

    The prison break s\*\*\* was SO GOOD man. Can't say I expected Garcia to be sharing the same cell as Lloyd lol. The arranged version of Inevitable Struggle playing in the background the entire time too.


    The scene when Zeit showed up with his divine form had me dead. Lloyd saying something to the effect of "how is your timing always so good?" cracked me up. When I saw Wazy show up with his new fit and he mentions he's apart of the Gralsritter, and I just shouted "HUHHHH". That s\*\*\* came outta f\*\*\*ing nowhere. I think that's probably one of the things in the series that had me so shocked because that s\*\*\* was NOT on my radar.

    And yeah man, that scene with Randy after he ran off was really good. Definitely one of my favorites in the series. The track is also really good lol.


    Once Bell approached KeA on the boat, I knew some s\*\*\* was up. I also did not expect that Arios betrayal.

    You are in for some s\*\*\* with Arianrhod.

    Did you get all the furniture items for KeA? I was just made aware of this scene last week


    You are making some progress though, damn lol. Like you said, post trade conference, s*** hits the fan. My ass was glued to my chair playing that s***

    Crying at that KeA video

    I couldn't get most of the decorations cause I was just broke asf the majority of this game lmao

    Arianrhod is giving me "You need the main cast from literally every trails game to even fight her vibes lmao. Definitely gonna be a problem with a title like Steel Maiden

    I honestly could not stop playing after the conference, story has just been all gas no brakes since then. Also I actually felt like the stakes were extremely high during this game with the threat of Calvard and Erebonia and the Red Constellation popping off and s\*\*\*. Was not expecting to see Ilya get splattered by a chandelier and blood coming out of her or the IBC building blowing up; just been insane

  • Oct 30, 2022

    Crying at that KeA video

    I couldn't get most of the decorations cause I was just broke asf the majority of this game lmao

    Arianrhod is giving me "You need the main cast from literally every trails game to even fight her vibes lmao. Definitely gonna be a problem with a title like Steel Maiden

    I honestly could not stop playing after the conference, story has just been all gas no brakes since then. Also I actually felt like the stakes were extremely high during this game with the threat of Calvard and Erebonia and the Red Constellation popping off and s\*\*\*. Was not expecting to see Ilya get splattered by a chandelier and blood coming out of her or the IBC building blowing up; just been insane

    I made sure I could steamroll the entire game by chapter 2. Did some sepith/mira farming to get those crazy good +100 stat accessories. Though in the end, guess I just got Lloyd to 100% evasion, and spammed Spark Dyne with Elie

    For the Arianrhod statement, no comment

    I love the arc ending games so much, just because there is just so much wild s*** going on that I'm genuinely hyped/surprised to see. The entire series is just so addicting man. I just really want to know what's going to happen next at all times lmao. It's also just really cool to see so many things get tied together after so many games (especially in the CS games), even if they're just small comments or something like that.

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts when you hit the final stretch/credits

    Really seen ppl say Azure is a 6/10 at best, like what the f\*\*\* man.

  • Oct 30, 2022

    CS4 been 10/10 so far and the first act just finished up

    Think I like CS3's battle theme just a bit more, but 4's is so good.

    This dungeon theme made me put down my controller so I could just listen to this in the background for an hour

    Song from CS3 that's used in 4, and I'm so happy they kept it because this town theme has no right being this smooth

    These games are too f***ing good man

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply

    @wes I finished Azure and Crossbell Arc has really solidified itself as one of my fav JRPGs oat, just a hall of fame arc overall man. Lloyd and the gang really got over all barriers

    This track will forever hold a special place in my heart knowing what it actually means

    Currently on Chapter 2 of Cold Steel 1. Not much to say right now about the story/characters so far; honestly it might be the weakest start out of the series so far in terms of getting me to care about the main cast but I like the new link mechanic they added to the turn based gameplay. Not sure how I feel about Orbment lines not mattering anymore but I gotta say that I really love how Falcom isn't afraid to keep switching up the turn based gameplay in every single title

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply

    These mfs making too many games i can't even finish the cold steel games

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply
    Nine Arts Dragon

    These mfs making too many games i can't even finish the cold steel games

    The funny thing is that even with all the games out; we are currently behind by 4 games in terms of localisation

  • Nov 6, 2022
    1 reply

    The funny thing is that even with all the games out; we are currently behind by 4 games in terms of localisation

    Trying to get through this series might be worse than watching One Piece from scratch in 2022
