Stay strong brother, you gotta play Kai
I'm definetely gonna get to it at some point, Intermissioin was already exhausting though and hearing that Act 3 is gonna be attrocious is not helping at all
The gameplay has been fun and is usually what carries me through these games; couldn't care any less for the story right now though except for a few moments here and there (This has kinda been the case for me since midway cold steel I think)
I'm definetely gonna get to it at some point, Intermissioin was already exhausting though and hearing that Act 3 is gonna be attrocious is not helping at all
The gameplay has been fun and is usually what carries me through these games; couldn't care any less for the story right now though except for a few moments here and there (This has kinda been the case for me since midway cold steel I think)
You don’t f*** with brainwashing being used as a plot point several games in a row?
Kai is crazy though, they cooked with it.