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  • Jun 21, 2022
    2 replies

    You heard it here first, in a couple of decades this won’t matter because mixed sports will be the norm. With a quota for how many ppl of a certain gender have to be included in a team/competition.

  • Jun 21, 2022

    So we should delegitimize women's sports as a whole because a very, very niche segment of society isn't sure how they fit into it? That's not how the world works.

    Idk if you’ve been following the news but that’s exactly what has been happening for the last few years

  • Jun 21, 2022
    1 reply

    You heard it here first, in a couple of decades this won’t matter because mixed sports will be the norm. With a quota for how many ppl of a certain gender have to be included in a team/competition.

    lol i guarantee you this is never happening. sports are part of the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry only bows to one master.

  • Jun 21, 2022

    You heard it here first, in a couple of decades this won’t matter because mixed sports will be the norm. With a quota for how many ppl of a certain gender have to be included in a team/competition.

    Who even said that

  • Jun 21, 2022

    It's funny how transphobes itt try to hide behind science when they haven't talked about any scientific studies on the subject at all

  • Jun 21, 2022

    lol i guarantee you this is never happening. sports are part of the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry only bows to one master.

    You’re right, I forgot nobody actually gives af about women sports

  • Jun 21, 2022

    The level playing field is literally the fact that they are the same s***
    I was born a certain way same as you were.
    Everything before and after that is basically “unfair”, from who your parents were to your socioeconomic status to the food you were fed growing up etc etc

    But the s***is still even. So if you take that away then you have nothing

    This is actually f***ing wrong and why I said these committees are disingenuous and full of s***.

    There has been cisgender women athletes that have natural levels of high testosterone that were disqualified from participating. So obviously s***isn’t the determining factor here and what is the determining factor is the bias of whoever is in the committee to determine what they decide to deem themselves as fair and not fair advantages when any type of advantage make the playing field inherently not leveled.

  • Jun 21, 2022

    So we should delegitimize women's sports as a whole because a very, very niche segment of society isn't sure how they fit into it? That's not how the world works.

    Litteraly how does it delegitimize anything? It's not as if for every cis athlete there's a trans one ready to take their place lol

  • Jun 21, 2022
    1 reply
    Scratchin Mamba

    You're a scumbag too

    But that's not ableist bc you're mentally challenged

    Just bc you're morally depraved and a piece of s***

    See how that works?

    I see you haven’t changed one bit since I’ve returned from my hiatus.

    It’s been 10 years and you’re still on KTT every day, crying about capitalism, all because you failed in life.

    I don’t even need to insult you because you’ve already embarrassed yourself lol.

  • Jun 21, 2022

    "I’m 100% supportive of trans inclusion. People do not know very much about it. We’re missing almost everything. Frankly, I think what a lot of people know is versions of the right’s talking points because they’re very loud. They’re very consistent, and they’re relentless.

    At the highest level, there is regulation. In collegiate sports, there is regulation. And at the Olympic and professional level. It’s not like it’s a free-for-all where everyone’s just doing whatever.

    And I think people also need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life, right? Life is the most important thing in life. And so much of this trans inclusion argument has been put through the extremely tiny lens of elite sports. Like that is not the way that we need to be framing this question. We’re talking about kids. We’re talking about people’s lives. We’re talking about the entire state government coming down on one child in some states, three children in some states. They are committing suicide, because they are being told that they’re gross and different and evil and sinful and they can’t play sports with their friends that they grew up with. Not to mention trying to take away health care. I think it’s monstrous."

  • Jun 21, 2022

    I see you haven’t changed one bit since I’ve returned from my hiatus.

    It’s been 10 years and you’re still on KTT every day, crying about capitalism, all because you failed in life.

    I don’t even need to insult you because you’ve already embarrassed yourself lol.

    You have no idea what my life is like

    I was never on ktt crying about how lonely i was like you

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