  • Oct 22, 2022


  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Grown ass response.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Spoken like a true stan absolving Ye of any blame when he’s stupid on his meds too

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Losing your mom/best friend can mentally f*** you up

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    WOW that is a great video he expressed himself really well and i agree

    Hey btw when did all this doubt about Ye having bi-polar happen? Even from Ye himself he claims he’s not actually bi-polar but what happened to 2018 “i hate being bi-polar it’s awesome” and “it’s my superpower”? Bi-polar became like his new thing! now he’s not sure or something?

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Dumbass audience keep laughing

    these late night audiences are f***ing braindead and have no humanity

  • Oct 22, 2022

    My guy hairline is amazing and he d***ing down Dua Lipa

    fr bruh i was gazing upon it

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    WOW that is a great video he expressed himself really well and i agree

    Hey btw when did all this doubt about Ye having bi-polar happen? Even from Ye himself he claims he’s not actually bi-polar but what happened to 2018 “i hate being bi-polar it’s awesome” and “it’s my superpower”? Bi-polar became like his new thing! now he’s not sure or something?

    I think it was moreso him just taking a label and making it his

    He still said that in this interview with the whole use of the word re****ed. He doesn’t believe he is bipolar or having a mental issue but if people wanna label him that, then he’s gonna take advantage of that

  • Oct 22, 2022

    great human

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Having fun talking to yourself?

  • Oct 22, 2022

    wow that was real as f***

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Salute to Trevor, solid stand up dude. I feel the same way about all of this

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    I think it was moreso him just taking a label and making it his

    He still said that in this interview with the whole use of the word re****ed. He doesn’t believe he is bipolar or having a mental issue but if people wanna label him that, then he’s gonna take advantage of that

    Ahh okay that makes sense but also wasn’t he literally diagnosed. I thought that was the case

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Yo, No, What Trevor is saying is some real s***.
    Very very potent. He understands completely and he is speaking real s*** articulately. Love it

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Spoken like a true stan absolving Ye of any blame when he’s stupid on his meds too

    As some one who has the gift of bipolar and is also going through a manic episode, I'm personally invested in the Kanye situation right now. The world's reaction to it is disgusting and uneducated.
    Trevor Noah is speaking nothing but positive, real S***. Mad respect

  • Tubig 🌊
    Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Ahh okay that makes sense but also wasn’t he literally diagnosed. I thought that was the case

    Yeah he was diagnosed

    And then later was like “I was misdiagnosed. I’m not bipolar, I was just sleep deprived!”

    Yeah f***ing right m8

  • Oct 22, 2022
    2 replies

    As some one who has the gift of bipolar and is also going through a manic episode, I'm personally invested in the Kanye situation right now. The world's reaction to it is disgusting and uneducated.
    Trevor Noah is speaking nothing but positive, real S***. Mad respect

    Bipolar manic episodes do not make you say anti-semitic things nor do they make you s*** on black victims of police brutality.

    People are allowed to feel a way about these things.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    Water Giver


    How you gonna let another man say how much you are your race or determine your struggle & experience for you

    Kanye on some major anti black s***

    F*** Klownye
    Technically Trevor wouldn't be classified as black, people with his skintone and ethnic background is it's own race in South Africa I doubt Ye even knew that tho

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Most bipolars reject medicine and question their diagnosis, even I struggle with thoughts like that and I have a very VERY FIRM understanding of bipolar disorder, I've studied it and experienced it first and second hand. It is something that fascinates me because many of our geniuses exhibit traits of the bipolar, Feeling in extremes.

    This is extremely common to go off your meds when mania hits and deny deny deny.

    Sleep deprivation is a symptom, not a condition.
    IDK man, I personally f***ing love the ye album, it's so raw and real to me. I think Kanye losing his family and he has this unhealthy obsession with Drake, he's just gone like f*** it and is looking for any assurance he can.
    You can see when he slips into programmed type speech patterns, In the Piers interview, Piers proposed a question and Kanye spins it into something about Drake.

    Dude is slipping to a psychotic state, I know my s*** when it comes to the mentally ill, a lotta people don't want to acknowledge the psychotic elements of it, All this bogus phony ass Mental health awareness s*** disgusts me because when s*** hits the fan, the fans get ugly

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    Bipolar manic episodes do not make you say anti-semitic things nor do they make you s*** on black victims of police brutality.

    People are allowed to feel a way about these things.

    What Kanye was trying to say isn't even anti jew.
    He's saying Jews got their s*** together and they need to stop making bank off of black people
    The KEY here is that Kanye is really saying that Jews are the example to follow,
    He is not reducing Jewish people, the most protected sensitive ass race on this earth
    Google the JIDF

    If your f***ing stereotype is being successful and owning everything, you better damn well embrace that s***, that's not racism, that's praise. WTF do you mean anti semite???

    Anti-Semite is when you reduce a person because of their heritage/race/color/face/any other not important human component.
    In fact I think the only reduction here is the reduction of Kanye's thought.

    And no, I do not think Kanye should have phrased it the way he did but he says s*** intentionally to be provocative

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    What Kanye was trying to say isn't even anti jew.
    He's saying Jews got their s*** together and they need to stop making bank off of black people
    The KEY here is that Kanye is really saying that Jews are the example to follow,
    He is not reducing Jewish people, the most protected sensitive ass race on this earth
    Google the JIDF

    If your f***ing stereotype is being successful and owning everything, you better damn well embrace that s***, that's not racism, that's praise. WTF do you mean anti semite???

    Anti-Semite is when you reduce a person because of their heritage/race/color/face/any other not important human component.
    In fact I think the only reduction here is the reduction of Kanye's thought.

    And no, I do not think Kanye should have phrased it the way he did but he says s*** intentionally to be provocative

    He is not reducing Jewish people, the most protected sensitive ass race on this earth

    my nigga you might wanna tone down your edge while you trying to disprove this man wasn't saying anything disparaging about the jews lol

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Trevor a good dude this been known

  • Oct 22, 2022

    Notice my son eurostepped past the george floyd comments.

    Like I said, it's not your call or anyone's call to make about how people (that are being mentioned in Kanye's statments) are allowed to feel. And if jewish kids that were told "to ask their dads why kanye hates them" feels a way about that, then so be it.

  • Oct 22, 2022

    If your f***ing stereotype is being successful and owning everything, you better damn well embrace that s***, that's not racism, that's praise. WTF do you mean anti semite???

    this belief is what inspired the ho...

    nvrmind man. yall dumb niggas got it lmfao

    Remember that thread where a lot of people were proudly bashing reading? S*** like this is why we need to never ever ever diss that s***.

  • Oct 22, 2022
    1 reply

    He is not reducing Jewish people, the most protected sensitive ass race on this earth

    my nigga you might wanna tone down your edge while you trying to disprove this man wasn't saying anything disparaging about the jews lol

    1, I'm not your nigga, I spoke it boldly, Your holocaust happened, Mine keeps going