  • Mar 22, 2021

    What do you not understand from my original comment stop trying to be fancy in here

    Life is meaningless bc it literally has no purpose. You show up here bc two animals f***ed and around 90 years later you die. Billions of people before you. Billions after.

    And realizing that death is the ultimate freedom makes it easier to live day to day bc whenever you catch yourself stressing over something as simple as making a fool of yourself during a public presentation you step outside, look at the sky and realize "I'm stressed bc I've put this pressure on myself but life is just what it is and when I die none of this will matter anyway"

    It gives you a positive push to purse what you think you need like kissing that girl you have a crush on bc you won't fear embarrassment.
    But if you have the right understanding of this idea (which I don't think you do) it is not CREATING any pressure. Bc the point is... there's no such thing as living life to the fullest. In just 500 years we will all be dead with nothing left of us. So why stress? Why be sad?

    and you're talking about "fancy" as if you aren't making claims about the meaning of life? that isn't exactly light conversation man

  • Mar 22, 2021
    1 reply

    and you're the same poster who just made the free will thread? might want to add some originality to your beliefs my friend.

    and on second thought, I think the question of meaning as it relates to pressure is pretty subjective. I can respect that you feel differently, and don't think it's worth arguing about.

    anyways, I could meander around asking questions, but it really comes down to the following controversy. you implicitly assume (just like in the other thread) a physicalist metaphysics in which the self is an emergent property of a particular pattern of subatomic particles, doomed to obey physical law until it dissolves into an entropic goo. that sort of thing.

    in reality, a far more robust metaphysics is one that takes consciousness (the phenomenal kind, not the uniquely human kind) as the fundamental "stuff" that makes up reality, and views sentient life as a dissociation of that universal phenomenality. this would not deny any scientific findings, but solves intractable problems of philosophy while having significant implications for the so-called "meaning of life".

    now, you don't have to agree with that view (even though you should because it's an improvement.. ), but the fact that you rely on so many tenuous and unproven assumptions to make hand-wavy claims about the universe is a problem.

    Okay man Imma be real with you

    I sometimes act like an intellectual but I'm probably not

    English is not my first language and I don't understand half the things you type. Even in my native language I'd probably get nothing out of your posts.
    And I bet that was your goal in all this

    But here the case is very simple. We're all just playing grownups. There are millions of people running around losing their minds over things that in the end...really...don't matter. We're the ones putting values on things.

    On one hand I'm impressed bc I didn't think anyone on KTT could write something like you did itt and the other thread

    But on the other I feel like you're using all those big words and say completely nothing having fun of not actually having a conversation but overpowering the other person with a pulp of "fancy" words

    I recommend reading Stranger by Albert Camus

  • Mar 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Okay man Imma be real with you

    I sometimes act like an intellectual but I'm probably not

    English is not my first language and I don't understand half the things you type. Even in my native language I'd probably get nothing out of your posts.
    And I bet that was your goal in all this

    But here the case is very simple. We're all just playing grownups. There are millions of people running around losing their minds over things that in the end...really...don't matter. We're the ones putting values on things.

    On one hand I'm impressed bc I didn't think anyone on KTT could write something like you did itt and the other thread

    But on the other I feel like you're using all those big words and say completely nothing having fun of not actually having a conversation but overpowering the other person with a pulp of "fancy" words

    I recommend reading Stranger by Albert Camus

    apologies, wasn't aware of the slight language barrier. I usually write comments quickly and don't proof read them, so I'm sure there are some clarity issues. That's on me.

    At the same time, it's wrong and a little disrespectful to claim that I "said nothing". Asking me to explain something I wrote is one thing, claiming that I "said nothing" because you don't understand it is another.

    But again, no hard feelings here. And I've read The Stranger. I enjoyed it for what it was, but obviously don't agree with Camus as a philosopher.


    Looking back, my comment actually did come across incredibly confusing. I think I've grown tired of explaining some of my beliefs from the ground up, and started taking shortcuts

    But again that's on me, so I don't blame you for your response.

  • Mar 23, 2021

    apologies, wasn't aware of the slight language barrier. I usually write comments quickly and don't proof read them, so I'm sure there are some clarity issues. That's on me.

    At the same time, it's wrong and a little disrespectful to claim that I "said nothing". Asking me to explain something I wrote is one thing, claiming that I "said nothing" because you don't understand it is another.

    But again, no hard feelings here. And I've read The Stranger. I enjoyed it for what it was, but obviously don't agree with Camus as a philosopher.


    Looking back, my comment actually did come across incredibly confusing. I think I've grown tired of explaining some of my beliefs from the ground up, and started taking shortcuts

    But again that's on me, so I don't blame you for your response.

    Yeah sorry If it came out disrespectful I just felt like you're playing a game of intimidation and I got a bit hot ngl

    And you know... there is an art in being able to explain complex concepts in simple terms and sorry but your post felt like complete opposite of that 😅

    But yeah... no hard feelings here and hope in your case there are also no hard feelings and maybe we should leave this topic at what's already said bc I feel like this is too much for a forum called kanye​tothe

  • Mar 23, 2021

    Relax and Chill

  • Mar 23, 2021

    Bill Burr
    Chappelles show
    The simpsons

  • Mar 23, 2021

    read some Platon, think about life, cry, go to sleep

  • Mar 23, 2021

    Set goals. Achieve goals. Have something to look forward to

  • Mar 23, 2021

    idk this counts but i love sitting in the dark and listening to music. makes me delve into the escapism aspect of consuming art more intensely and forget about my issues easier.

    Damn ur just like me

  • Mar 23, 2021