  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    I called this trash from the 1st episode and never went back

    They called me a madman and said its a slow buildup

    Now everyone is calling it the worst finale of all time

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    The diversity is not why it's bad.
    The good intentions are not why it's bad.

    I would need to write an essay to explain why it's bad.

    “Because it’s about women, you think the new season is bad?”


    “Uh, why do the murders and mine pollution matter if everybody comes back as a ghost and its pretty well known around town that there’s a vivid, complex life after death?”

    Now we’re getting somewhere 🫵😎

  • Feb 19, 2024
    babylon sherm

    “Because it’s about women, you think the new season is bad?”


    “Uh, why do the murders and mine pollution matter if everybody comes back as a ghost and its pretty well known around town that there’s a vivid, complex life after death?”

    Now we’re getting somewhere 🫵😎

    "If you depict police as valiant social workers who protect women and commit political violence on the right side of the class war- why are they still alienated from the community, unfulfilled, and miserable?"

    "Is leaving your few remaining friends, quitting your job as indigenous praetorian guard, and going on a quasi-suicidal spirit quest a positive outcome?"

    "Is murdering your dad something that will improve your mental health?"

    "Would a sheriff's deputy be better at hiding forensic evidence than 50 janitors?"

    "If your mom was kind of racist to you, but she was in danger one night, would you guys be cool after?"

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    Sepinwall is such a hack

  • Feb 19, 2024
    Old Man Robin

    Sepinwall is such a hack

    Night Country basically just ripped off the twist and ending of Wind River

  • Gangy ❤️
    Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    overall bad season but last two eps redeemed it back to decent. Enjoyed the finale but understand why everybody is hating

    I’m just confused what they were doing episodes 2-4. I was shocked when my brother told me there was 6 totally episodes after ep5 last week.

  • Feb 19, 2024
    3 replies
    · edited

    overall bad season but last two eps redeemed it back to decent. Enjoyed the finale but understand why everybody is hating

    I’m just confused what they were doing episodes 2-4. I was shocked when my brother told me there was 6 totally episodes after ep5 last week.

    I agree the last two eps were prly the best since the pilot a lot of it just didn't feel someone else mentioned Priors Dad being crooked should have been a bigger part of the overall series instead of focusing so much on the dumb s\*\*\* with his mail order bride, the cleaning ladies felt like an afterthought and then suddenly are criminal masterminds who somehow piece together that ALL the researchers were involved in Annie's death...the series overall focused too much on the mine and annoying characters like the daughter and Priors wife instead of staying on the mystery itself

  • Gangy ❤️
    Feb 19, 2024

    I agree the last two eps were prly the best since the pilot a lot of it just didn't feel someone else mentioned Priors Dad being crooked should have been a bigger part of the overall series instead of focusing so much on the dumb s\*\*\* with his mail order bride, the cleaning ladies felt like an afterthought and then suddenly are criminal masterminds who somehow piece together that ALL the researchers were involved in Annie's death...the series overall focused too much on the mine and annoying characters like the daughter and Priors wife instead of staying on the mystery itself

    Perfectly summed up my thoughts. Agree , those finale reveals felt like they were written up a week ago developments. Just boom , here it is lol

  • Feb 19, 2024

    i didnt even start new season - tonight i would binge it

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

    I agree the last two eps were prly the best since the pilot a lot of it just didn't feel someone else mentioned Priors Dad being crooked should have been a bigger part of the overall series instead of focusing so much on the dumb s\*\*\* with his mail order bride, the cleaning ladies felt like an afterthought and then suddenly are criminal masterminds who somehow piece together that ALL the researchers were involved in Annie's death...the series overall focused too much on the mine and annoying characters like the daughter and Priors wife instead of staying on the mystery itself

    The cleaning lady stuff tries to justify itself as permissible because they are the invisible victims and then in dialogue as "just a story" admitting it's a wish fulfillment.

    And it doesn't work because narratively, if they aren't going to be monsters that pop off at the end (John Doe, Errol William Childress), you want to spend time with them. The old lady that f\*\*\*ed Rust Cohle's dad should be one of them! It's right there! She's like barely in the show otherwise!

    Why not use the TV show about their murder.... to spend time with them? No? Just cops and daughters of cops and sisters of cops? Okay 👍

  • Feb 19, 2024

    twitter painting it like it's only men who didn't like the season bc it's so pro woman

    I dug the pilot...just felt like the season as a whole was a complete mess...focused too much on the wrong things then tried to reel it back to the main mystery at the end...some awful writing at times too

    I didn't mind the leads esp Foster and thought the setting was neat but underutilized

    I agree that the show focused on the wrong things. The Hank corruption subplot should have taken place over several episodes. Instead it’s all forced into episode 5 and feels completely unearned.

    The best example I can think of is Pete’s interaction with Leah in the holding cell. There are too many scenes like that. They ultimately amount to nothing and feel like a complete waste of time. This season wanted to say a lot of things, but it spent too much time on scenes that felt superfluous.

  • Feb 19, 2024

    Starting the episode, they got some balls going in those caves ngl, ain’t no way I’m going there

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    The cleaning lady stuff tries to justify itself as permissible because they are the invisible victims and then in dialogue as "just a story" admitting it's a wish fulfillment.

    And it doesn't work because narratively, if they aren't going to be monsters that pop off at the end (John Doe, Errol William Childress), you want to spend time with them. The old lady that f\*\*\*ed Rust Cohle's dad should be one of them! It's right there! She's like barely in the show otherwise!

    Why not use the TV show about their murder.... to spend time with them? No? Just cops and daughters of cops and sisters of cops? Okay 👍

    “Rose Agineau” is such a funny character when you zoom out on the show

    I used to be the Joyce Carol Oates of my little college town, prestigious academic and all that came with it, writing my papers; one day I just had to throw it all away ya know? Move to Alaska, start f***ing this doomer of a single dad. Live the dream. Now I get my kicks burying bodies. For townspeople, the cops… okay mostly cops, I do a LOT of disposing on their behalf, not my place to be asking questions though

  • Feb 19, 2024

    Every good finale has two 5 minute monologues from new characters tying up all the loose ends

  • Feb 19, 2024

    Just an absolutely dud of a season

  • Feb 19, 2024
    babylon sherm

    “Rose Agineau” is such a funny character when you zoom out on the show

    I used to be the Joyce Carol Oates of my little college town, prestigious academic and all that came with it, writing my papers; one day I just had to throw it all away ya know? Move to Alaska, start f***ing this doomer of a single dad. Live the dream. Now I get my kicks burying bodies. For townspeople, the cops… okay mostly cops, I do a LOT of disposing on their behalf, not my place to be asking questions though

    Maybe in season 5 when can meet someone who had s***with Marty's grandpa. The possibilities are endless.

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

  • Feb 19, 2024
    2 replies
    Block Muteson

    How f***ing cringe, jesus f***ing christ, victim complex 101.

  • Feb 19, 2024

    How f***ing cringe, jesus f***ing christ, victim complex 101.

    I have doubts that this season was even done in good faith.

  • Feb 19, 2024
    1 reply

  • BIRDIN84

    I called this trash from the 1st episode and never went back

    They called me a madman and said its a slow buildup

    Now everyone is calling it the worst finale of all time

    I don’t think anyone was doubting. People itt been trashing it since day 1 (rightfully so)

  • Feb 19, 2024

    HBO got reviewers on payroll now, huh?

  • Block Muteson

    The diversity is not why it's bad.
    The good intentions are not why it's bad.

    I would need to write an essay to explain why it's bad.

    No need king.

    Sits bad writing. Plain and simple. That would be the over simplification but anyone who’s at least watched a few movies seen a few shows would be able to see this right away.

  • Feb 19, 2024

    The flat circle call back made me want to end it all ngl

    Felt so forced
