I agree the last two eps were prly the best since the pilot a lot of it just didn't feel earned...as someone else mentioned Priors Dad being crooked should have been a bigger part of the overall series instead of focusing so much on the dumb s\*\*\* with his mail order bride, the cleaning ladies felt like an afterthought and then suddenly are criminal masterminds who somehow piece together that ALL the researchers were involved in Annie's death...the series overall focused too much on the mine and annoying characters like the daughter and Priors wife instead of staying on the mystery itself
You ate this bc that’s exactly how I’m feeling about it
How f***ing cringe, jesus f***ing christ, victim complex 101.
Yeah I'm just staying out of comment sections tbh anyone who happens to share their opinion of not liking it with someone seems to be hit with "it's because you're a guy!" Like no I'm able to enjoy plenty of content with female leads written/directed by females...it's just a mess this time and should not be excused any overhyped just bc women are at the helm either
Will honestly never understand the hype for this season, I feel like I watched the whole thing waiting for it to get better and it never really got there.
They should’ve just let it be its own thing instead of forcing it to be TD.
I’ll binge this after I do my Copenhagen Cowboy rewatch I already forgot the episodes I watched
That Forbes review wasn't even edited and he got to plug his YouTube video.
TV reviewing is the pits
I’ll binge this after I do my Copenhagen Cowboy rewatch I already forgot the episodes I watched
how was Copenhagen Cowboy? Been meaning to get to that but I keep forgetting to watch
the vigilante female group was probably the most unintentionally hilarious thing Ive seen in years
What a s***ty f***ing ending lmao
Jodie ate tho and is the only decent part about this godfuckin forsaken season
Also, probably the single most telegraphed ending in the history of murder mysteries
God i f***in hated this s*** and hate the fact i invested over 6 hours into this s***
how was Copenhagen Cowboy? Been meaning to get to that but I keep forgetting to watch
Classic tbh
Great season. Cant believe they actually topped season 1
Didnt watch season 2 but if its written worse than season 4 s*** must be most boring show ever
Absolutely believe this was intended to be a one off thing called Night Country that HBO demanded be branded as True Detective for the name recognition, and had them shoehorn in all the references to Season 1, because legit none of them needed to be there, they’re purely aesthetic and not necessary.
The tone and feel is completely different as well, outside of featuring two main characters who are cops, that’s about all it has in common with other season of TD.
how was Copenhagen Cowboy? Been meaning to get to that but I keep forgetting to watch
If you like anything Refn post-Drive, you'll like it. Not as good as Too Old to Die Young, but really good
Didnt watch season 2 but if its written worse than season 4 s*** must be most boring show ever
Season 2 is good. Some clunky dialogue, maybe one too many core characters, but it's a James Ellroy style noir in modern times. Different thing than season 1.
I was just thinking about this in the shower, the show f***ing ruined me. I’m damaged goods