I got Fargo S2 over S1 baby.
Just finished a 2 rewatch. Rewatching Mindhunter now. (GOAT). And will then circle back to 1.
Same, S2 edges it out for me. That moment in episode 9 grifted in my memory for the rest of my life, man. Or until Alzheimers. Think I'll watch The Curse next now idk
Same, S2 edges it out for me. That moment in episode 9 grifted in my memory for the rest of my life, man. Or until Alzheimers. Think I'll watch The Curse next now idk
Yeah man... that scene rocked me too.
I IMPLORE you to watch The Curse. Best TV I've seen in a long f***ing time.
Yeah man... that scene rocked me too.
I IMPLORE you to watch The Curse. Best TV I've seen in a long f***ing time.
Absolutely plan to get around to it. Then maybe an old classic after that. Six Feet Under, Friday Night Lights. We'll see!
It's time for Mindhunter season 3. And Hannibal season 4.
Netflix is out of their f***ing minds man.
Lmao the nerdy scientists each wanting to stab the woman like “no let me stab her next!!” And then her boyfriend strangling her out so she wouldnt suffer as much?
Man to begin with I really thought they found some sort of ancient thing/substance in the mines and that Clark was using it to try to bring his gf back to life after she had been murdered. .
The scene they're riffing on from Wind River is already terrible. Idk how they made it worse.
i’m not reading yall posts because yall don’t know how to use spoiler tags but there’s no way this is that bad cmon!
Think I am gonna give season 2+3 a try
both are not that bad , but season 1 is superior
i’m not reading yall posts because yall don’t know how to use spoiler tags but there’s no way this is that bad cmon!
it was good
it is the highest rated and most viewed szn of true detective ever
can we all agree that true detective is one hit season wonder?
szns 3 and 4 say hello
still season 1 is better ;)
U have ur whole life to write ur first sxn. U only have 1 year to write ur next sxn
still season 1 is better ;)
not according to the review website rotten tomatoes
not according to the review website rotten tomatoes
who cares about rt? - lol
that is not super valid site - to tell you what is good and what isnt
U have ur whole life to write ur first sxn. U only have 1 year to write ur next sxn
who cares about rt? - lol
that is not super valid site - to tell you what is good and what isnt
men lie
women lie
RT don't
I cannot speak in clearer terms than I did.
i dont know what i could write about td and what hasnt been said before...
just that season one is really great....... the rest is solid.
nah but in all honesty i'm not 100% sure which i liked more, s3 or s4 but for the moment i'll give s3 the nod
S1 - goat
S3 - very good
S4 - pretty good
S2 - garbagio
both are not that bad , but season 1 is superior
Love season 1
Watched when it came out and loved it
Rewatched it before season 4 dropped and loved it still
Tried to watch some of season 2 when it came out, but it did not hit me so I dropped out
Now I’m bored and old so I will give it another try
But I wish they had evolved on the story from season 1