  • Jan 30, 2020

    can’t we all be friends and have a 2 nation ktt solution

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Your "nuanced" opinions always seem to loop back around to supporting the status quo though, isnt that interesting

    That is actually amazing that you view my views that way. You know my original post here was not defending this plan, nor Israel, nor the US, right? I’m sorry I don’t believe in killing Israelis or Palestinians. I believe in not only Palestinian self-determination, but a Baathist pan-Arabic identity. I simply see things as being better achieved through political vanguards than widespread uprising/revolution. I only believe in violence against politicians and bureaucrats who actively contribute to tangible malice. The average person will only do what their vanguard tells to them, it is not their fault and they do not deserve violence nor death. I believe in the importance of culture over capitalism and part of that includes the recognition of political structures and nuances.

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    That is actually amazing that you view my views that way. You know my original post here was not defending this plan, nor Israel, nor the US, right? I’m sorry I don’t believe in killing Israelis or Palestinians. I believe in not only Palestinian self-determination, but a Baathist pan-Arabic identity. I simply see things as being better achieved through political vanguards than widespread uprising/revolution. I only believe in violence against politicians and bureaucrats who actively contribute to tangible malice. The average person will only do what their vanguard tells to them, it is not their fault and they do not deserve violence nor death. I believe in the importance of culture over capitalism and part of that includes the recognition of political structures and nuances.

    who cares how you see things? political revolution is historically the only force that can create lasting socio-political change, but if you'd like to butt your head against reality than thats your problem. why not just listen to palestinians instead of "what you think would work" or "what you believe in"? nobody in palestine cares about your arbitrary value system lol.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    "I hadn't met Western "revolutionaries" before. It turned out they represented an unfamiliar cultural rather than a political phenomenon. Some seemed to have read the historic political literature of the left, but most regarded the Marxist-Leninist leaders disdainfully, with the exception of the "Young Marx", who held some sort of fascination for a few of them. Though we were impressed by their moral integrity and personal dedication, we felt their ideology and strategy had little to do with the making of revolution.

    Some Americans were quite serious and believed in the historic mission of the working class and were making plans to integrate themselves with the masses. What astonished us most about this group was that they were opposed to nationalism, a doctrine we hold dearly as a colonised and dissipated people. Some believed in violence for "the hell of it" and in students as revolutionary agents of history. But the majority were inclined towards guerrilla theatre as a means of "making revolution". They performed a little for us.

    As they were departing I was rather struck by a French anarchist student who proclaimed "Let chaos reign" and by a German who echoed the same sentiment. I exclaimed that the Palestinian people were an example of a society in chaos without authority and leadership, which as a result, was left at the mercy of the Zionist oppressor. I asked them what could they prescribe for us in order to overcome our kind of "alienation" - beards, long hair, and toy guns? They merely paused, they smiled, they reflected, they inhaled and passed their joints on in universal wonder."

    • Leila Khaled
  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

  • Jan 30, 2020


    Funny how yesterday you didn't care but today you're supporting oppressive apartheid states murdering Palestinians

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    who cares how you see things? political revolution is historically the only force that can create lasting socio-political change, but if you'd like to butt your head against reality than thats your problem. why not just listen to palestinians instead of "what you think would work" or "what you believe in"? nobody in palestine cares about your arbitrary value system lol.

    this is not about my "western values" (I assure you the modern west does not reflect my values, nor do the progressive generational chain of values rooted in western liberalism); nor did I say I was against political revolution.
    However, my belief in political revolution is that such must be spearheaded by a vanguard to truly work. Movements by the people do not work because people are unstable and individualistic, driven by clashes of ego.The materialistic egotism of the west has predicated modernity and globalized culture, so unfortunately it is near impossible to talk in a general sense without this being assumed. It doesn't mean I endorse it - it means there is no choice but to discuss it in this manner if we are talking about millions of people. This is also why I believe in a vanguard, because a vanguard can shed such predicated distinctions whereas a collective populace can not.
    I understand if we talk to Palestinians they will want sovereignty and the destruction of zionist powers. I do not disagree with either of those assertions, and I of course sympathize. I'm also not directing palestinians, nor israelis, to acting a certain way, I'm obviously commenting from the outside, as most of us are in this thread. My ancestors left the middle east long ago, my view exists in a vacuum of discussion rather than practice.
    In an ideal world, neither of us would bet talking about this, but the west would not be involved to begin with - this would solely have been between the settlers and the natives. But that's not the reality of the situation - the US will not just going to pack up and leave, as much as I wish the US would. We must comment in relation to the actuality of the situation. If we were to have a political revolution in the US tomorrow, then perhaps I would be more inclined to agree. But we do not - and I do not expect one in Israel either, not the allies of Israel, not the surrounding countries such as the UAE which claim to recognize palestine but endorse horrible, biased plans such as this. There is no global revolution happening tomorrow, even if you disagree with me, so it's far more practical to discuss this within the context of possible action than in the detached political-philosophical manner, which has merit but in a separate light. You can separate practicality from idealism to comment on issues in the context they exist in rather than separately in a vacuum.

  • Jan 30, 2020
    2 replies

    Stand with Israeli brothers and sisters! ❤❤❤❤

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Stand with Israeli brothers and sisters! ❤❤❤❤

    "where are my fellow communists?"

    you are a loser and the fact you support an apartheid regime is the least shocking thing ive read in weeks. at least try to display some honesty in your views you backwards ass clown

  • Jan 30, 2020

    This is no solution at all. Free Palestine, and give the people their land back

  • Jan 30, 2020

    absolutely horrid

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    this is not about my "western values" (I assure you the modern west does not reflect my values, nor do the progressive generational chain of values rooted in western liberalism); nor did I say I was against political revolution.
    However, my belief in political revolution is that such must be spearheaded by a vanguard to truly work. Movements by the people do not work because people are unstable and individualistic, driven by clashes of ego.The materialistic egotism of the west has predicated modernity and globalized culture, so unfortunately it is near impossible to talk in a general sense without this being assumed. It doesn't mean I endorse it - it means there is no choice but to discuss it in this manner if we are talking about millions of people. This is also why I believe in a vanguard, because a vanguard can shed such predicated distinctions whereas a collective populace can not.
    I understand if we talk to Palestinians they will want sovereignty and the destruction of zionist powers. I do not disagree with either of those assertions, and I of course sympathize. I'm also not directing palestinians, nor israelis, to acting a certain way, I'm obviously commenting from the outside, as most of us are in this thread. My ancestors left the middle east long ago, my view exists in a vacuum of discussion rather than practice.
    In an ideal world, neither of us would bet talking about this, but the west would not be involved to begin with - this would solely have been between the settlers and the natives. But that's not the reality of the situation - the US will not just going to pack up and leave, as much as I wish the US would. We must comment in relation to the actuality of the situation. If we were to have a political revolution in the US tomorrow, then perhaps I would be more inclined to agree. But we do not - and I do not expect one in Israel either, not the allies of Israel, not the surrounding countries such as the UAE which claim to recognize palestine but endorse horrible, biased plans such as this. There is no global revolution happening tomorrow, even if you disagree with me, so it's far more practical to discuss this within the context of possible action than in the detached political-philosophical manner, which has merit but in a separate light. You can separate practicality from idealism to comment on issues in the context they exist in rather than separately in a vacuum.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    We’ve already had a two state “solution” this whole time. The real solution is to put Israel under a properly secular government that doesn’t marginalize other religions, like every other state in the western world has already done

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    @krishna_bound how you feelin about this neo-nazi sharing your opinion

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    @krishna_bound how you feelin about this neo-nazi sharing your opinion

    I don't know this guy or his beliefs. Can you tell me why he's a neo-nazi? Genuinely, not being sarcastic.
    I don't especially care who overlaps to agree with me on certain things, it's not like I overlap back with actual neo-nazis and believe in either racism or genocidal violence.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    How do people take this religion/holy land s*** so seriously that they’re willing to bomb each other over it

  • Jan 30, 2020

    "where are my fellow communists?"

    you are a loser and the fact you support an apartheid regime is the least shocking thing ive read in weeks. at least try to display some honesty in your views you backwards ass clown

    Stop thinking of me so much you pathetic cvck

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Guy is f***ing obsessed with me and yet calls me a loser, get a life schmuck

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    Stand with Israeli brothers and sisters! ❤❤❤❤

    crazy how many far right jewish people there are

    it’s sick. we need to purge ever far right loser on the planet.

  • Jan 30, 2020

    all the white people in europe and the us going to israel to terrorise non whites. meanwhile, non white jews are being discriminated

    typical white behaviour.

  • Jan 30, 2020
    2 replies

    Guy is f***ing obsessed with me and yet calls me a loser, get a life schmuck

    hes a turd you cant shake from your ass smh

  • Jan 30, 2020

    hes a turd you cant shake from your ass smh

    fam stfu

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

    crazy how many far right jewish people there are

    it’s sick. we need to purge ever far right loser on the planet.

    You're no better than that other loser, wouldn't be surprised if it's an alt tbh

  • Jan 30, 2020

    You're no better than that other loser, wouldn't be surprised if it's an alt tbh

    and you’re a white person trampling on the rights of non white people thank you c***

  • Jan 30, 2020
    1 reply

