  • Jan 29, 2020
    2 replies

    I got the point exactly youre just sitting here going "the american revolution happened so nothing is for certain" as if it makes you a wise man when there is no relationship. That s*** has no relevance whatsoever i might as well point out how Eli Manning beat the 16-0 Patriots.

    no, dummy. the point is war is not as simple as "this nation has the bigger more organized army so they'd win"

    its actually funny that you bring up eli beating the 16-0 patriots because i guess in a weird way its a good parallel for this. the patriots on paper had the better team and conventional wisdom would have told you to bet on them. but the giants actually had a team that matched up very well to them since any one with football knowledge would tell you that the best way to slow a great offense is by pressuring the quarterback, and the giants had a terrific defensive line that season, which allowed them to commit more men to coverage (and they weren't bad in that department either). couple that with a bit of luck and mistakes by the patriots (asante samuel dropping an INT, the helmet catch) and its clear that a***yzing conflict is never as simple as "x is bigger/better than y so they'll win"

  • Synopsis

    no, dummy. the point is war is not as simple as "this nation has the bigger more organized army so they'd win"

    its actually funny that you bring up eli beating the 16-0 patriots because i guess in a weird way its a good parallel for this. the patriots on paper had the better team and conventional wisdom would have told you to bet on them. but the giants actually had a team that matched up very well to them since any one with football knowledge would tell you that the best way to slow a great offense is by pressuring the quarterback, and the giants had a terrific defensive line that season, which allowed them to commit more men to coverage (and they weren't bad in that department either). couple that with a bit of luck and mistakes by the patriots (asante samuel dropping an INT, the helmet catch) and its clear that a***yzing conflict is never as simple as "x is bigger/better than y so they'll win"

    Damn, you taught that strawman what’s up.

  • Jan 29, 2020
    Benito Mussolini

    Art of the deal

  • Jan 29, 2020

    no, dummy. the point is war is not as simple as "this nation has the bigger more organized army so they'd win"

    its actually funny that you bring up eli beating the 16-0 patriots because i guess in a weird way its a good parallel for this. the patriots on paper had the better team and conventional wisdom would have told you to bet on them. but the giants actually had a team that matched up very well to them since any one with football knowledge would tell you that the best way to slow a great offense is by pressuring the quarterback, and the giants had a terrific defensive line that season, which allowed them to commit more men to coverage (and they weren't bad in that department either). couple that with a bit of luck and mistakes by the patriots (asante samuel dropping an INT, the helmet catch) and its clear that a***yzing conflict is never as simple as "x is bigger/better than y so they'll win"

    It's called variance. If that game was played 100 times, Patriots would win like 65 times.

    I agree tho that there's variance/luck in war too.

  • Jan 29, 2020

    So mfs get conquered and their land stolen and they want a redo? Go conquer them back or make a deal like this one. Saying "no fair" is not a solution.

    Bruv it ain’t simple as that. The UK, which was the protectorate of Palestine after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, started to give Palestine for the Jews of Europe as an apology for the european atrocities

    Then Palestinians were slowly dispossessed of their land until the war and the Nakba happens where around one million Palestinians were forcibly drove out of Palestine so they’d create space for the state of Israel.

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply


  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 29, 2020
    4 replies

    y’all out here tryna justify “death to israel”, have avis of literal terrorists who are also pushing for the death of israel and also their own citizens and y’all swear y’all arent as crazy as people in the alt right lmao

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply

    y’all out here tryna justify “death to israel”, have avis of literal terrorists who are also pushing for the death of israel and also their own citizens and y’all swear y’all arent as crazy as people in the alt right lmao

    They lack the nuance needed in actual politics to come to realistic solutions. Instead they appeal to base emotions to make it seem like if you don’t agree with them you’re some kind of monster

  • Isreal needs to f*** up and give back some stolen land. This s*** was happening in front of the world for the past 60 years

  • Jan 29, 2020

    y’all out here tryna justify “death to israel”, have avis of literal terrorists who are also pushing for the death of israel and also their own citizens and y’all swear y’all arent as crazy as people in the alt right lmao

    homie you're a literal fascist, shut the hell up

  • Jan 29, 2020

    death to israel, as always

  • Jan 29, 2020

    if y'all make me a mod of politics sxn I'll get rid of this star wars furry f*** on day 1, zero tolerance for white supremacists

  • Gojira 🦖
    Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply

    ممکن است صلح با شما باشد

  • Jan 29, 2020
    2 replies
    krishna bound

    it's not worth my time arguing with you, i'd prefer if you just blocked me

    imagine someone s***ting all over your comment and your only response is "i dont wanna argue with you, im so above that, just block me"

  • rjprice

    imagine someone s***ting all over your comment and your only response is "i dont wanna argue with you, im so above that, just block me"

    You must be new here.

  • Jan 29, 2020


    These alt right f***s gonna lose in Palestine just like they lost in South Africa.

    History repeating itself as always.

  • Jan 29, 2020

    y’all out here tryna justify “death to israel”, have avis of literal terrorists who are also pushing for the death of israel and also their own citizens and y’all swear y’all arent as crazy as people in the alt right lmao

    As long as Israel keeps occupying Palestinian land and deny their basic human rights, while literally killing and jailing children and women...then its death to israel.

    Fasicst mentality is not welcome here

  • Jan 29, 2020

    a two state solution to peace that didnt involve one of the two states in the discussions? lol

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply

    They lack the nuance needed in actual politics to come to realistic solutions. Instead they appeal to base emotions to make it seem like if you don’t agree with them you’re some kind of monster

    If by nuance you mean shutting up and be okay with what the West proposes for us, then we don’t want your nuance. We will continue to demand the impossible and wage war. Libtards like y’all being complicit with the status quo and remaining silent despite the atrocities happening in Palestine is the problem

  • Jan 29, 2020

    If by nuance you mean shutting up and be okay with what the West proposes for us, then we don’t want your nuance. We will continue to demand the impossible and wage war. Libtards like y’all being complicit with the status quo and remaining silent despite the atrocities happening in Palestine is the problem

    I’ve spent multiple pages denouncing this deal. Stop

  • Jan 29, 2020

    y’all out here tryna justify “death to israel”, have avis of literal terrorists who are also pushing for the death of israel and also their own citizens and y’all swear y’all arent as crazy as people in the alt right lmao

    Algeria liberated itself by bombing the French out. Senegal decapitated colonial soldiers. Kenya, Somalia, Iraq... and the list goes on. If you call these people crazy because they wanted their own liberation, then we know very well which side you are on, i.e. the coloniser and the imperialist. Nobody wants to kill, but if we are being killed on a daily basis, do you want us to remain silent and be an easy pry for a hungry death machine that violates every international agreement? We are gonna return the same hand they give us and some more

  • Jan 29, 2020

    Bruv said real terrorists I hope he means Obama

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply

    imagine someone s***ting all over your comment and your only response is "i dont wanna argue with you, im so above that, just block me"

    i've argued with them in the past to know it's not worth holding a discussion because they won't acknowledge any form of nuance or context outside their bubble and assumptions. i'm not arguing with someone who's going to tell me my own positions

  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply


  • Jan 29, 2020
    1 reply
    krishna bound

    i've argued with them in the past to know it's not worth holding a discussion because they won't acknowledge any form of nuance or context outside their bubble and assumptions. i'm not arguing with someone who's going to tell me my own positions

    Your "nuanced" opinions always seem to loop back around to supporting the status quo though, isnt that interesting
