In this video trump says if he's re-elected he'll make hormone reassignment therapies and s***reassignment surgery illegal, that he'll prosecute health professionals who have performed these procedures and teachers who talk about gender related stuff in school...
Says they'll investigate big pharma (?) to find out if long term side effects of transitioning have been hidden to make more money (?). Of course he's presenting this with the angle of protecting kids from life altering body mutating hormones without even knowing anything about the subject.
This is basically a declaration of war on any trans person since the intent is simply to make existing as trans illegal which shows trans people aren't safe in America and it might just get worse, if they can target a group nothing stops them from targeting another, that's just how it starts.
I thought I'd share because I feel it's important to know that even though these right wing people sound hilariously stupid at times they're actually working to strip away rights from marginalized people 9 times out of 10 by using extremely primal and uneducated reasons. I'm disgusted
Hope ur joking when u said “not many people are talking about this” @op its literally been discussed on every major platform
Hope ur joking when u said “not many people are talking about this” @op its literally been discussed on every major platform
On ktt *
Hope ur joking when u said “not many people are talking about this” @op its literally been discussed on every major platform
I may have just missed it tbf I wasn't too online these past few days
What's people's deal with the trans community just leave them alone jfc.
How else do I cope with my failure of an existence if not by blaming, bullying and harassing a minority group that doesnt impact my life whatsoever
How else do I cope with my failure of an existence if not by blaming, bullying and harassing a minority group that doesnt impact my life whatsoever
satire disclaimer?
satire disclaimer?
Think its obvious
I had to stop watching comedy and podcasts because all they talk about is trans people
You would think it was the biggest issue in the world
There's so many other things he could executive order to fix and he goes with this. Dude is gunning for the Christian vote
I had to stop watching comedy and podcasts because all they talk about is trans people
You would think it was the biggest issue in the world
It's probably one that gives a lot of engagement in media so everybody just piles in on it even if they know nothing about it
Whats the safest country for me to move to and not be at risk of losing access to HRT
Like i legit feel like im living in v for vendetta or some s*** sometimes. Like the political climate could flip upside down and at any point they are just gonna bust down my door and execute me for being trans.
Whats the safest country for me to move to and not be at risk of losing access to HRT
Idk Id guess something like Australia or New Zealand
Whats the safest country for me to move to and not be at risk of losing access to HRT
go to BC
Like i legit feel like im living in v for vendetta or some s*** sometimes. Like the political climate could flip upside down and at any point they are just gonna bust down my door and execute me for being trans.
I may have just missed it tbf I wasn't too online these past few days
its alright haha tbh im jealous of u fr we all be online too much. wouldve been great to miss this dumb s*** that trump spewing.