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  • Feb 8, 2023

    Tbf don’t think you could describe Synopsis as anything but far left

    yeah, but that post comes off as if he feels oppressed this site’s userbase is literally primarily Republican or some vague form of righty

  • Feb 8, 2023

  • Lisa

    NBA thread operates on a more mature mental wavelength than you libcucks and conservatards

    We know the difference between jokes and real hate. Genuine racism and hate posting getting clipped. Playful banter is allowed because we’re all adults in control of our emotions

    Grow up and stop trying to ruin the one good place on the site

    i hope this is satire btw, one of you lot literally doxxed a man and his wife, threatened another dude’s family, post a bunch of weird 4chan-esque pictures, y’all niggas are sincerely a gang of weirdos

    it’s beyond me how that thread isn’t just straight up deleted atp

  • Feb 8, 2023

    u are all chronically online

    real nigga s***

  • Feb 8, 2023
    1 reply

    Kills me that the rest of the site cares so much about what’s going in the NBA thread that they send moles to infiltrate the thread

    y’all brain rot spreads to the rest of the site

  • Feb 8, 2023
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    This post is insane nigga said f*** it he go let them balls hang

    nigga said all gay people are white

  • OP
    Feb 8, 2023

    Can you f***ers stop f***ing derailing this thread with your stipid forum wars

  • OP
    Feb 8, 2023

    Or let's just lock this thread please @sab @safe theres no point in keeping it open anymore if it's gonna be that way

  • Feb 8, 2023

    y’all brain rot spreads to the rest of the site

  • OP
    Feb 8, 2023

    I don't care about the latest episode of sports sxn vs the world all it does is prevent any type of discussion and as always in theeads about trans related stuff the actual people who are actually impacted by these things that try to participate in the theeads get sidelined by your little stupid arguments

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