Can we stop advocating X**** abuse s*** is terrible for you
you’re an actual tard if you think i’m advocating for x**** by making a joke. you saying trump is a fascist is further evidence of that.
imagine having moral outrage at this level. take a x**** ffs
you are a bigot, your opinion doesn't matter
you’re an actual tard if you think i’m advocating for x**** by making a joke. you saying trump is a fascist is further evidence of that.
Says the person using the word tard unironically as an insult in 2020 with no avi so I can't avi post
Says the person using the word tard unironically as an insult in 2020 with no avi so I can't avi post
lmaooo is this serious?
Mentioned this elsewhere but the democrats have a much different climate this year. In 2016 many didn't vote or actually voted against Hilary, for trump.
Now, well this chunk of voters are definitly voting Biden plus all the trump supporters who jumped ship
And remember even with all those votes he lost the popular vote.
I think Biden has a good chance but I'm not making full conclusions yet
but you’re still not accounting for the fact that there’s no real way to gauge trump’s support as accurately
we all know republicans get underaccounted for in polls to begin with, now add on the current risk of ostracism for coming out as a trump supporter and as a result you are bound to have a high number of people who are only going to speak with their vote
you also speak about past trump voters becoming biden voters which is valid, but you’re also ignoring the idea that there are people who moved the opposite way, and there’s no way to truly tell the degree to which it has happened
im telling yall, this s*** is going to be way closer than it appears. If all you do is watch cnn and listen to bbc all day then i could see why you think this is in the bag
People like op are hilarious to me because they will continue to make the same mistakes with the utmost confidence. Truly incredible
but you’re still not accounting for the fact that there’s no real way to gauge trump’s support as accurately
we all know republicans get underaccounted for in polls to begin with, now add on the current risk of ostracism for coming out as a trump supporter and as a result you are bound to have a high number of people who are only going to speak with their vote
you also speak about past trump voters becoming biden voters which is valid, but you’re also ignoring the idea that there are people who moved the opposite way, and there’s no way to truly tell the degree to which it has happened
im telling yall, this s*** is going to be way closer than it appears. If all you do is watch cnn and listen to bbc all day then i could see why you think this is in the bag
People like op are hilarious to me because they will continue to make the same mistakes with the utmost confidence. Truly incredible
The only thing I somewhat disagree with is that more trump voters definitly switched to the left than the other way around
But yeah I'm not drawing definite conclusions, I'm just logically looking at a couple facts. Yours are very valid points as well
The only thing I somewhat disagree with is that more trump voters definitly switched to the left than the other way around
But yeah I'm not drawing definite conclusions, I'm just logically looking at a couple facts. Yours are very valid points as well
definitely not claiming there’s more, just saying theres no way to really know for certain, unless you’re op
Y’all said this back in 2016 and look what happened
If you don’t think times are different this time around
Here’s to hoping we get some more reactions as funny as this s***
they're not gonna cry they're gonna be angry and or shocked
At the beginning of the year it was looking pretty clear to me that Trump was gonna get re-elected, but along came covid and he fumbled the bag.
House democrats tacking a bunch of random s*** onto the second stimulus check proposals didn’t help either, because clearly Trump never signed off on it. I remember that first stimulus check really had even his biggest haters giving him props
Cant wait til these crusty ass trump supporters gotta go and take down them ugly ass signs
but you’re still not accounting for the fact that there’s no real way to gauge trump’s support as accurately
we all know republicans get underaccounted for in polls to begin with, now add on the current risk of ostracism for coming out as a trump supporter and as a result you are bound to have a high number of people who are only going to speak with their vote
you also speak about past trump voters becoming biden voters which is valid, but you’re also ignoring the idea that there are people who moved the opposite way, and there’s no way to truly tell the degree to which it has happened
im telling yall, this s*** is going to be way closer than it appears. If all you do is watch cnn and listen to bbc all day then i could see why you think this is in the bag
People like op are hilarious to me because they will continue to make the same mistakes with the utmost confidence. Truly incredible
CNN and MSNBC are actually not confident bc of 2016, lots of people aren't
Cant wait til these crusty ass trump supporters gotta go and take down them ugly ass signs
my favorites are the no more bullshit signs when clearly he spouts the most
my favorites are the no more bullshit signs when clearly he spouts the most
Same everytime i see that one i get so annoyed
@sab OP is a troll account and using the r word, even censored, as a criticism should be bannable as the word is banned here for a reason. it's ableist, and should not be used to criticized soneone, even trump.
bro stop
I hope so
All them nazis are all excited to vote for him
Really hope we can get rid of that piece of s***
Same everytime i see that one i get so annoyed
I live in a republican town and even I'm seeing signs that get defamed with hammer and sickle
also feel like Trumpers are far more confident than the other side.
And they have a good reason to be
Texas already has more votes than it did in 2016 just off early voting, usually a good sign for the Democrat candidate
And they have a good reason to be
not really...they go by f***ing boat rallies and how many people they can pack in together for their spreader events. Heard a guy at work mocking Biden because "he could only get 6 people, it's going to be a landslide, obv trump is going to win"