Texas already has more votes than it did in 2016 just off early voting, usually a good sign for the Democrat candidate
Biden is polling within the margin of error if he wins Texas it's a wrap.
But I'm keeping my expectations low who knows what will happen.
not really...they go by f***ing boat rallies and how many people they can pack in together for their spreader events. Heard a guy at work mocking Biden because "he could only get 6 people, it's going to be a landslide, obv trump is going to win"
Them having coronavirus doesn't stop them from voting. Republicans tend to vote regardless of whatever happens, and if more people are voting more than ever, that doesn't mean it's going to be 100% Democrat. There's a s***load of people in the Mid-West that probably didn't vote but will now because they're opposed to Biden and Trump-ism has become so bold in these areas.
If I was a Republican I'd be confident too, no matter what happens Republicans always make sure to vote.
also feel like Trumpers are far more confident than the other side.
Because they're going to claim they won like daddy trump will tell them they did regardless what happens
The optimism of his core koolaid drinkers isn't really any indication of anything
Lol the trump supporters been acting as arrogant as Hillary supporters did. Can’t wait for the upset
I’mma laugh when it’s a lot closer than you think
U gonna see the results and then immediately think of OP "LMAO JEF BEZON STAN PROBABLY IN SANDLES RN"
U gonna see the results and then immediately think of OP "LMAO JEF BEZON STAN PROBABLY IN SANDLES RN"
i can't believe you guys are setting yourselves up like this again after what happened in 2016
More people voted against Hillary then they voted for Trump. Biden should win but can't be shocked if he doesnt
We lose regardless who’s elected. I just hope everyone keeps their political genius hats on if Biden wins
Come at him with the same energy y’all came at trump with for 4 years
I voted for Hilary last election, but I’m not voting anymore. Enjoy voting for this guy though
Despite what the polls say I think it’s gonna be very close, probably a nail biter. Wouldn’t be surprised with either but my gut tells me Trump will win it.
Are you a trump supporter
We lose regardless who’s elected. I just hope everyone keeps their political genius hats on if Biden wins
Come at him with the same energy y’all came at trump with for 4 years
Are you a trump supporter
Im anti politics. All politicians should be tossed in jail. Fake ass job