And this dumbass was having rallies with thousands of people not wearing masks.
His supporters really thought covid was a hoax
Aight which one of you did this?
Trump vs Covid-19
covid-19 in game 5
Honestly doesn’t seem far fetched in the slightest.
Stay woke
Best news all year! 😭
The constant downplaying of the virus by him was sickening. Purposefully putting countless lives at risk
only doin this to avoid the debate
nigga already down 1-0 he ain’t tryna get swept
Luckily I already planned on pulling an all nighter
Imagine if this was faked to distract from the proud boys thing. 900 IQ.
He could fake it to avoid the debates, look "strong" for beating it. But honestly it's probably difficult to fake something like this and not have someone find out. Though I wouldn't put it past this f***er
only doin this to avoid the debate
nigga already down 1-0 he ain’t tryna get swept
covid gonna sweep him