easily the stupidest s*** trump said that night and everything he said that night was stupid
Need Biden campaign to fire off a great tweet
Just a simple “lol” would do it
Y’all think his supporters will wear mask now
How hilarious it would be if the narrative changes amongst his core fans.
This should have 1737382 likes smh my head
He's a fat old man declining mentally, chances are he wont react kindly to it
That’s facts tho. Don’t know what to think man it’s really not the time for this just even in terms of the plunging market coming up
Coulda got this over with around the time Boris Johnson had it
"He could be speaking 200 feet away from me and he'd be wearing the biggest mask I've ever seen", he says as he stands 10 feet away with no mask
@DonJulio many men crazy
aged like milk
Hope they all had a family dinner together after the debate