This nigga almost 80, 6’0 and like 265
He eats well done steaks with F***ing ketchup and Big Macs by the dozen
If he really has this s*** he’s OUTTA HERE
This nigga almost 80, 6’0 and like 265
He eats well done steaks with F***ing ketchup and Big Macs by the dozen
If he really has this s*** he’s OUTTA HERE
Cholesterol and blood pressure higher than a b**** too
Prob was prompted to say this
Trump would bully the f*** out of Biden if he got it.
So I expect sleepy joe to stop being polite and keep that same energy
it would look awful considering trump would have been the one to give it to him, having been careless about his mask. Also I'm pretty sure Biden tries to be careful cause he know's he's done for if he gets it
This is the perfect opportunity for Joe to fake his death via corona and pass the nomination to Kamala
Smh they prob began working on one in March lmao
Lmaoo you right. I just feel like a 2020 documentary would be more effective a few years from now. But yea we'll probably get one in a year max
when melania sees him in the icu and unplugs it
This nigga almost 80, 6’0 and like 265
He eats well done steaks with F***ing ketchup and Big Macs by the dozen
If he really has this s*** he’s OUTTA HERE
Just gonna throw this post I made in the other thread in here too :work:
It ain't just the debate. Dude is getting utterly destroyed in polling (national and all the battleground states) right now, and has been for a while.
He was desperate for ANYTHING to give him a spark.
Dudes one of the biggest compulsive/manipulative liers of all time.
He was provided a clear reasoning for why he may have gotten Covid himself that is believable on face value and unlikely to be called out by anyone and will probably not be proven unless he ends up in the hospital.
Add it up, and what do you get
First Lady too?
hope she survives