Trump has 0 political instinct this time, it aint 2016 he losing this time
i really really f***in hope so but i genuinely don't know whats gonna happen.
“This f***ery”
she’s really one of the best we got
she’s really one of the best we got
One of like 4 dems worth keeping tbfh
True, but keep in mind that the holding enclosures were built during Obama's administration. Politicians in general are trash.
This changes nothing about my statement
Hate when you mention trump immigration policies and some weirdo comes out of the brushes and says "B-b-but OBAMA!!!"
yeah f*** him too moron
I really needed that 2nd stimulus smh
Sony and Microsoft are so pissed right now tbh.
Hate when you mention trump immigration policies and some weirdo comes out of the brushes and says "B-b-but OBAMA!!!"
yeah f*** him too moron
I never disagreed i'm saying politicians in general are trash. Why you so angry lol
I never disagreed i'm saying politicians in general are trash. Why you so angry lol
You literally responded to my post with one of the most generic played out conservative talking points of all time on top of having a history of being racist
you do not deserve my respect
Sony and Microsoft are so pissed right now tbh.
damn you right no stim checks plus a lot of people ain't working
still thinking about this interaction @sentient_sherm_bag
You literally responded to my post with one of the most generic played out conservative talking points of all time on top of having a history of being racist
you do not deserve my respect
Not conservative but I was just agreeing with you and tried to make a statement on how politicians in general are trash. My fault if I came the wrong way.
A majority of conservatives are pro-life and I’m all about pro-choice, I can use you as an example because I’m sure your mother regrets you everyday.
strangely enough, his moves over the last few days tell me that he knows he's going to get re-elected (by cheating, or worse)
Not related to this recent outbreak but, who knows
wish it got Tom Cotton right next to him