Mans of them meds
For the most part it was doing well, on protectory climbing back to it's February numbers. It never got to previous high, but it was very close. Nasdaq on other hand, been doing very well, higher than pre-covid high by almost 2k points. S&P 500 is better than it was during it's previous high in February.
Overall, stock market was doing well and climbing to it's previous high and even breaking previous high numbers.
To highlight more on this The dow and S&P and Nasdaq are like basket of stocks and some stocks "weigh more then others. For example I believe Apple, Microsoft, and Amzn are about 15% of the S&P 500 (which is 500 of the largest companies on the us market). So as long as those big 3 keep going higher they will keep will bull the overall market higher.
But when you look at certain sectors they are no where near pre-covid levels
Hmmmm, alrighty then.
“That’s an interesting point of view”
He f***ed up so hard with that s***. It’s gonna be entirely on him.
Just 3 days ago he was talking about getting things passed, not even caring about the cost.
Exactly like no doubt pelosi has been a pain in the ass with this s***. But trump is literally playing the games he’s claiming others are by refusing a deal until after the elections smh
putin wore a hazmat suit and donald can't wear a mask
Need me one of these suits tbh thats hard as f***
They needed to take Twitter away from him the day he was inaugurated
I know Joe won’t be using his Twitter fingers
but he just...
nevermind this guy is f***ing off the s***s
Mans of them meds
More like ON them meds.
He’s probably high as a f***ing kite rn.
Need me one of these suits tbh thats hard as f***
you can get it for super cheap from ebay
Literally Pelosi and Mnuchin were supposed to meet today to discuss more and they were both saying that they’re getting close to a deal (which could’ve been cap) but trump really just killed that
apparently a theory on twitter floating around is some people close to him shorted stocks before that tweet
Literally Pelosi and Mnuchin were supposed to meet today to discuss more and they were both saying that they’re getting close to a deal (which could’ve been cap) but trump really just killed that
Dude really thinks people are gonna vote him in for $1,200 if he holds it above their heads
More like ON them meds.
He’s probably high as a f***ing kite rn.
I meant that he tweaking after taking his meds lol
There’s one more person who needs to get COVID now.
Everyone chant with me:
There’s one more person who needs to get COVID now.
Everyone chant with me:
right before they sent him to the same place they sent the really gucci and wayne
Dude really thinks people are gonna vote him in for $1,200 if he holds it above their heads
I know Fr
Is this the first presidential ratio on Twitter? Man is at 11k responses and 12k retweets in 20 minutes, this is going bottom-up