Why would he even mention Biden towards the end lmao. Swine flu 🙄
That's a green screen
Oh my God this man is a f***ing idiot
Why would he even mention Biden towards the end lmao. Swine flu 🙄
Lmao is that a green screen
I love this dude man
Why would he even mention Biden towards the end lmao. Swine flu 🙄
lmao that has to be a green screen
and they 100% have a bunch of them pre recorded
Why does this dumbass think ANYONE believes there's a super d*** that cured him in checks notes not even a day?
same reason he thinks anyone will believe he's not standing in front of a green screen doing his 5th take lol... bc they will.
Interesting that we haven’t any updates on Chris Christie
I think we gonna get a big update soon
Why would he even mention Biden towards the end lmao. Swine flu 🙄
he looks desperate
Why does this dumbass think ANYONE believes there's a super d*** that cured him in checks notes not even a day?
Crazy people believing all his lies
Because millions of people literally take his word as gospel
MAGA literally a right-wing extremist cult as this point and Trump is literally god to these people
The fact he wants to skip a virtual debate
It's probably because he knows he won't be able to hide his labored breathing, or he's straight up in such bad shape he doesn't want to do it.
If some of these Republicans don't start dying soon from this s***, I'm going to assume that Satan is behind something...
It's like when your favorite team is about to secure the lead but they keep dropping the ball and you're sitting there like
Why would he even mention Biden towards the end lmao. Swine flu 🙄
The intro LOL
what does he have in mind when he says we're going to get back at china
What mind
Paying his respects to donny before he goes bye bye