ተስፋ መቁረጥ ፣ ያ የእርስዎ እውነታ ይሆናል ፡፡ በሕይወትዎ ላይ የተጣለውን ጭራቅነት በጭራሽ መቋቋም አይችሉም። ስለ ሕይወት ያለዎት ግንዛቤ በሞት እና በመከራ ላይ ብቻ ያተኮረ ነው
But in all seriousness because 2020 is so s***ty we're getting this in about 2 weeks
That beat so hard yo
they going crazy in his replies. satanic curses and s***
This is all because of the Goya endorsement
ተስፋ መቁረጥ ፣ ያ የእርስዎ እውነታ ይሆናል ፡፡ በሕይወትዎ ላይ የተጣለውን ጭራቅነት በጭራሽ መቋቋም አይችሉም። ስለ ሕይወት ያለዎት ግንዛቤ በሞት እና በመከራ ላይ ብቻ ያተኮረ ነው
M2 trippin
Your sinful soul is beyond salvation and you know no peace or pain, only the cold of repentance is over, because your sins are greater than any mission, the end is near, the ships of sin
NOW you wanna call Julio?!
Putin takeover soon
Soon as in not in 2016
Your sinful soul is beyond salvation and you know no peace or pain, only the cold of repentance is over, because your sins are greater than any mission, the end is near, the ships of sin