I thought conservatives were anti PC anti snowflakes why are they moaning and whining about trump covid jokes
believe or not they are biggest snowflakes
She should go pro
idc if she’s ran through i want her
idc if she’s ran through i want her
same, f***ing same
Watch.. Trump infected Biden at the debate and Trump makes a full recovery, Biden gets wiped out
id fight a.ufc havyweight for ash kash
Can't tell if this is a troll or not
Watch.. Trump infected Biden at the debate and Trump makes a full recovery, Biden gets wiped out
If Biden got it too, He’s gonna go wild saying masks aren’t effective cause people are clowning him rn
Watch.. Trump infected Biden at the debate and Trump makes a full recovery, Biden gets wiped out
They both tested negative at the debate. That being said I'm sure biden is getting tested as we speak if he hasn't already
Next level shambles you throwin up hoe?
They both tested negative at the debate. That being said I'm sure biden is getting tested as we speak if he hasn't already
Some doctor said he thinks he got it a couple days before the debate
Next level shambles you throwin up hoe?
nah his joking his profile says
socialism will prevail at some point, but for now we must take every small step towards it that we can.
"While disgusting liberals are wishing death on you Mr. President, we are here to pick you back up, nurture you, and pray for you. Though you probably don't need it because you are going to kick this virus's sorry ass! Get better soon, sir."