Sad to say idrk if I believe it. Could just be a ploy for him to appear to get through it just fine and downplay its severity. Also a better look to get out of the stupidity of having rallies in red zone cities this weekend
Really just shows you how f***ing trash this guy is, he gets sick and people think it’s a hoax
Really just shows you how f***ing trash this guy is, he gets sick and people think it’s a hoax
I wish I could just believe the President outright but this one ehhhh
Sad to say idrk if I believe it. Could just be a ploy for him to appear to get through it just fine and downplay its severity. Also a better look to get out of the stupidity of having rallies in red zone cities this weekend
It’s real. The only reason he tweeted it out himself is because reporters were about to break the news and he wanted to get ahead of it. Also the military is mobilizing around this with nuke planes and they wouldn’t do that if it was a hoax
it’s f***ed up to say but this is really karma for how horrible he’s handled it and cost people their lives
its not f***ed up AT ALL
He might be doing this to avoid the debates
If he recovers (which is a good chance considering he has access to the best healthcare) he will 1000% use his recovery to say “I have the best immune system, the virus is not a big deal at all. Keep America Great!”
21 Savage voice
Wonder if joe has it from the debate
Holy s***, Trump is trying to kill Biden like Liquid Snake tried to kill Solid Snake with FOXDIE
damb son
Holy s***, Trump is trying to kill Biden like Liquid Snake tried to kill Solid Snake with FOXDIE
Wow deep cut MGS GOAT
TWP did this on purpose. They ain’t slick