Most Americans has never heard him talk ever and their first time hearing him is gonna be through Tucker Carlson
Tuckers first big interview since he left Fox. Everything else has been duds
his interview with the guy that allegedly had s***with Obama was kinda funny lol
Putin won the 2018 Russian presidential election with more than 76% of the vote.
If you think Putin is truly democratically elected over and over again you gotta be sipping the Kool aid.
He literally kills or arrests his actual competition btw.
Why are there so many Russian shills on KTT. This is f***ing crazy 🤣
tonight at 6 is confirmed. will be on his website AND posted to X. wonder if it will be available on X at the same time no ones paying to access TCN
Will Carlson suck Putins balls or lick his ass? We’re all wondering which one becuSe it can only be one. Everyone is worried
oh god hes already talking about the time of troubles
got my loud for this
yeah feel like this may be a very illuminating interview lol
yeah feel like this may be a very illuminating interview lol
‘have you told viktor orban that he can have a piece of ukraine ‘
we watching Tucker Carlson interviews now? foh
the first western journalist to interview putin in how many years? even if it is tucker carlson, lol its still important
the first western journalist to interview putin in how many years? even if it is tucker carlson, lol its still important
f*** Putin too
we watching Tucker Carlson interviews now? foh
His facial expressions are hilarious