That doesn't change anything, nigga comes in a thread about a woman being abused by her husband and drops a "yea but she's a thot"
Like ok? That's the reaction you have lmao
i forgot to drop this too: go f*** yourself
but why did yall come into the thread reading this title just to say "i dont care shes a thot"
Lmao you coulda just skipped threads
Being an absurdly wealthy person in an abusive relationship is fundamentally different than a normal person in a similar relationship
I don’t care she’s a thot
Thots are humans too with feelings and rights
Thots are humans too with feelings and rights
goon standing up for his own kind we love to see it
but why did yall come into the thread reading this title just to say "i dont care shes a thot"
Lmao you coulda just skipped threads
because nobody here is going to give a f*** about rich twitch streamers who don't actually have any skills
because nobody here is going to give a f*** about rich twitch streamers who don't actually have any skills
yea but u can skip threads by not clicking them the same way ima skip a thread about martha stewart being sexy i just dont get coming into threads u dont care for just to say "btw i dont care"
yea but u can skip threads by not clicking them the same way ima skip a thread about martha stewart being sexy i just dont get coming into threads u dont care for just to say "btw i dont care"
welcome to the internet
yea but u can skip threads by not clicking them the same way ima skip a thread about martha stewart being sexy i just dont get coming into threads u dont care for just to say "btw i dont care"
there is only like 2 threads made per day lol
because nobody here is going to give a f*** about rich twitch streamers who don't actually have any skills
"I dont care that they are abusing another human being because they got money and stream on twitch" 🤓
Yall niggas aint real man tf
there is only like 2 threads made per day lol
u are free to contribute to the creation of new threads
u are free to contribute to the creation of new threads
no thanks im just here to s*** post
"I dont care that they are abusing another human being because they got money and stream on twitch" 🤓
Yall niggas aint real man tf
i'm not saying it's right or wrong but you can't really expect working class forum posters to care about multimillionaire twitch streamers who, for most of them, never had life experiences or struggles before streaming
NGL, wouldn't put it past them faking this quarrel for sympathy points and so the coomers think they have a chance with her. Her donations are probably going through the roof.
Also, let's not act like she doesn't have some degree of free will
But yes, she is being pimped by her husband, like most of these e-girls are
They hated him because he told the truth
"I dont care that they are abusing another human being because they got money and stream on twitch" 🤓
Yall niggas aint real man tf
in fact i would say this opinion is very very real. tons of people wouldn't give a f*** whatsoever
"I dont care that they are abusing another human being because they got money and stream on twitch" 🤓
Yall niggas aint real man tf
yeah except when you got online presence it doesn't just stop there lmao
i'm not saying it's right or wrong but you can't really expect working class forum posters to care about multimillionaire twitch streamers who, for most of them, never had life experiences or struggles before streaming
Man this to me is crazy, i dont see it as poor or rich, women or man, i just see that another human being is having a really bad experience and to me the minimun is not come to places where people are discussing it saying things like
I dont care or that she is a thot
Idk why its so difficult to have that minimum of respect
Like i understand this is someone we dont know and miles away, but why say this type of things?
yeah except when you got online presence it doesn't just stop there lmao
Sorry man, english aint my first language so i dont understand what u meant here
Sorry man, english aint my first language so i dont understand what u meant here
no problem at all. i was just pointing out the influence she has which leads to her actions affecting other people as well