  • Oct 16, 2022

    fake or not i don’t care i’ll save her

  • Oct 16, 2022

    At least she’s crying on a twitch stream with thousands of viewers and not in section 8 housing with no internet

  • Oct 16, 2022
    2 replies

    i'm not saying it's right or wrong but you can't really expect working class forum posters to care about multimillionaire twitch streamers who, for most of them, never had life experiences or struggles before streaming

    I know you to be reasonable usually

    But I can't tell if you are pointing out "well people don't care that she was being abused because she's rich from a job I don't respect" as though it's like a reasonable thing

    Or if you are pointing that out and agreeing that it is dumb

  • Oct 16, 2022
    2 replies

    I can be cynical but if your first response to a girl saying she's being abused is "she's doing it for views!!" then your head is just f***ed up tbh

  • Oct 16, 2022

    I got nothing to contribute to this thread but s145,)7:&;afdjxienxkzl.3&?

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    I know you to be reasonable usually

    But I can't tell if you are pointing out "well people don't care that she was being abused because she's rich from a job I don't respect" as though it's like a reasonable thing

    Or if you are pointing that out and agreeing that it is dumb

    i would absolutely say it's reasonable for somebody to not care about people so far removed from their current conditions. what??

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    it's literally the classic starving kids in africa thing

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    it's literally the classic starving kids in africa thing


  • Oct 16, 2022



  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    i would absolutely say it's reasonable for somebody to not care about people so far removed from their current conditions. what??

    People discuss celebrities getting abused on here all the time, and the perspective people offer is almost never "I don't care because they are rich"

    It seems like this is just the opinion they have because of her line of work not just because she's rich

    But pretending that that is the case, joining a discussion about someone who has been abused just to share that you don't care because they make more money than you feels pretty morally bankrupt, doesn't it?

    If the response people have to someone being abused is "i don't care" and that is argued to be a reasonable thing it could discourage people from speaking out about what has happened to them. Its just a pretty bad thing to argue for.

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    People discuss celebrities getting abused on here all the time, and the perspective people offer is almost never "I don't care because they are rich"

    It seems like this is just the opinion they have because of her line of work not just because she's rich

    But pretending that that is the case, joining a discussion about someone who has been abused just to share that you don't care because they make more money than you feels pretty morally bankrupt, doesn't it?

    If the response people have to someone being abused is "i don't care" and that is argued to be a reasonable thing it could discourage people from speaking out about what has happened to them. Its just a pretty bad thing to argue for.

    i am not saying "i don't care" is a reasonable response to someone being abused

    i am saying "i don't care" is a reasonable response to anything bad happening to anyone that is substantially materially removed from the person claiming they don't care. this is fundamentally different. i'm also not saying it's the right or wrong thing to do. something being reasonable has nothing to do with morality

  • Oct 16, 2022
    2 replies

    "I dont care that they are abusing another human being because they got money and stream on twitch" 🤓

    Yall niggas aint real man tf

    I mean if you're a millionaire staying in an abusive relationship ima have less sympathy than if you're reliant on your abusive partner for housing/resources

  • Oct 16, 2022

    Couldn’t care less

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    NGL, wouldn't put it past them faking this quarrel for sympathy points and so the coomers think they have a chance with her. Her donations are probably going through the roof.

    Also, let's not act like she doesn't have some degree of free will

    But yes, she is being pimped by her husband, like most of these e-girls are

    Some of you are so f***ing lost man this is heartbreaking

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    i am not saying "i don't care" is a reasonable response to someone being abused

    i am saying "i don't care" is a reasonable response to anything bad happening to anyone that is substantially materially removed from the person claiming they don't care. this is fundamentally different. i'm also not saying it's the right or wrong thing to do. something being reasonable has nothing to do with morality

    If you are not saying it's right or wrong I guess I have no argument with the point behind what you are saying.

    Sharing it or defending people sharing something like that could be pretty harmful for the reason that I said though.

    Personally I would encourage people to not share perspectives that minimize abuse, if they don't care shut up as to not discourage other abuse victims from sharing. If that doesn't matter and you wanna defend it because its technically "reasonable" to have that perspective i guess that's ur thing idk

  • Oct 16, 2022

    Some of you are so f***ing lost man this is heartbreaking

  • Oct 16, 2022

    Couldn’t care less

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    please stop making threads about youtubers and twitch streamers unless they are top 10 most recognized.

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    If you are not saying it's right or wrong I guess I have no argument with the point behind what you are saying.

    Sharing it or defending people sharing something like that could be pretty harmful for the reason that I said though.

    Personally I would encourage people to not share perspectives that minimize abuse, if they don't care shut up as to not discourage other abuse victims from sharing. If that doesn't matter and you wanna defend it because its technically "reasonable" to have that perspective i guess that's ur thing idk

    nobody here is going to give a f*** about twitch streamer drama

    nobody here saying they don't care would say that emotional, domestic, sexual, or any type of abuse is okay

    they don't care because none of this is relevant to them. you are painting them as tacit supporters of abuse though which is weird

  • Oct 16, 2022

    please stop making threads about youtubers and twitch streamers unless they are top 10 most recognized.

    shes like top 5 e girls

  • rise zero

    I can be cynical but if your first response to a girl saying she's being abused is "she's doing it for views!!" then your head is just f***ed up tbh

    underrated post

  • if videos like this give the courage for women (or men ) to leave abusive people, it’s a video that has a purpose

    guess what? one person probably made that choice for the better. i endorse it and don’t care if someone is wealthy or a clout chaser for wealth.

    if the equation helps one person, point made.

  • Oct 16, 2022
    1 reply

    nobody here is going to give a f*** about twitch streamer drama

    nobody here saying they don't care would say that emotional, domestic, sexual, or any type of abuse is okay

    they don't care because none of this is relevant to them. you are painting them as tacit supporters of abuse though which is weird

    I understand the point of what you are sayin. You're not saying that its a morally decent thing to say

    You are saying they don't care because its a famous rich person who they have no interest or knowledge about that they feel disconnected from and for that reason its reasonable for them to feel that way

    I would say they shouldn't share that and I would also say someone shouldn't defend how "reasonable" it is for them to share that in a thread about someone sharing that they were abused

  • Oct 16, 2022

    chat mods getting burrrrrrned!!!

    EDIT: 100% of e-girls are married and/or part of a long term relationship.

  • Oct 16, 2022

    F*** yall on
