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  • Mar 3, 2021
  • Mar 3, 2021
    black hedi slimane

    all types of black men out there a lot of them who do not like him or his family lololol

    I mean this is also true.

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    all types of black men out there a lot of them who do not like him or his family lololol

    yea true but I do mostly feel the same way as him tho

    like im not f***ing no grown ass black dude that just so happens to be gay

    or some dude I went to School with that was on my football team that s***s weird

    would only f*** a small group of black dudes

    I wouldn't even f*** like steriotypical gay black dudes s*** also makes me uncomfortable

  • Mar 3, 2021

    Muslim twitter or Indian twitter would so disagree with everything that yall niggas is saying but whatever lmfao.

    We don't even speak any other languages so we definitely operating from a place of bias AND ignorance. I'd bet a million dollars that frenchmen get slandered to pieces by french shawty on french twitter lol.

  • Mar 3, 2021

    "latino men aint s***" isn't a popular narrative? Fam Dominican men get s***ted on every day.

    "latinas are bitter and ghetto" isn't a popular narrative? Latina women get called angry just as much. Hell for them, it's worse cause their anger gets fetishized cause "it's exotic" lmfao.

    White gay men get (rightfully so) s***ted on every day by their white LGBTQIA+ counterparts for being problematic.

    And there you go again with the guilting "knowing damn well that other races are watching"'s the internet?

    What, is niggas supposed to have some secret internet private clubhouse where we have these black men/black women arguments? Like I said, you coming from a place of bias. Every race does literally everything you're saying.

    “If there is a popular narrative it’s not as openly and widely discussed as the black one” It’s a popular narrative amongst themselves, but it is barely as popular as the narratives black people have of each other because black people are the most watched on social media by other races

    We don’t give a f*** what white women have to say about their white men and vice versa, but I can bet you an M they give a f*** what problems me and my ol lady are having when we’re airing it out on the timeline

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    Understood, which is why I said he should just say he wanna date white dudes and left it at. Saying "It's like dating my brother" is an extremely weird and kinda nonsensical way to go with it

    no the exact question he was asked was "would you date a black guy" and the follow up question was why not

    it was during a Tumblr QNA he was just talking about being queer and stuff he was answering a bunch of questions

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    yea true but I do mostly feel the same way as him tho

    like im not f***ing no grown ass black dude that just so happens to be gay

    or some dude I went to School with that was on my football team that s***s weird

    would only f*** a small group of black dudes

    I wouldn't even f*** like steriotypical gay black dudes s*** also makes me uncomfortable

    for me it’s like i only get involved with femme black guys bc my type of black guy would seriously put hands on me if i even showed remote interest lol

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Bernie X


    We are pop culture. Other races are constantly looking at what we’re arguing with each other about.

    You know how many times I’ve seen a viral “black men aint s***” type tweet on my timeline with hella retweets and likes and when I go thru to see who liked the tweet it’s hella non black poc ??

    Our s*** is for everyone to view and comment on way more than anyone elses


    Our culture is just so cool to everyone and we dont neccesarilly realize it

    like black people dont ever think like damn they keep stealing our s*** lets hide it from them and push them out when they try to enter were to nice to outsiders

  • Mar 3, 2021

    I still remember when he came out sayin that he wouldn’t want a black man, I was like keep that to yaself king but I knew black Twitter would have something to say about this as soon as I seen he was dating a white dude. But tbh he pretty much told us already what he wanted let the Tyler’s, franks, Kevin’s , Steve’s etc live in peace

  • Einfinet

    I agree it is true there is a burden to black dating and people being more judgmental about who you find love with. I guess my thing is just, you find a nonblack person and that's love- ok great. But don't start speaking on some "I just like people who are different from me" s*** or making other justifications bc it just sounds real funny when you take just a sec to break it down and then people are going to (reasonably imo) call you out for it.

    yea whenever i have a nb partner and whenever i have a nb partner i ask my sister if she thinks i’m buggin

    we talk about our relationships all the time and she’s had a few nb relationships and we kinda chalk it up to

    if ur saying s*** like steve lacy ur WEIRD esp that brothers comparison

    but who you’re with doesn’t define u as a person, and unless ur married, u prob not gonna be with this person forever lol

    i think ppl put way too much energy into understanding celebs and other people’s sexuality, instead of doing the hard work and understanding their own

  • Like I know one fairly common reason why gay black men don't date black men is because of the homophobia and transphobia rampant among us, along with the other race and politics behind black men and masculinity yadda yadda. But going the route he went with it is mad weird. Not every black man looks like a relative of yours? Is there repressed trauma or something?

  • Mar 3, 2021

    steve lacy hygiene poor asf let that dirty ass man date the mayos

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply
    black hedi slimane

    for me it’s like i only get involved with femme black guys bc my type of black guy would seriously put hands on me if i even showed remote interest lol

    yea same I only like black dudes that I can tell are like open minded and cool as f*** and more femme presenting

    your generic black guy I couldn't f*** with cause I know how niggas are

  • Mar 3, 2021

    I try to keep an open mind as much as possible when it comes to these things. Even an open mind for the close minded.

    Being a white individual, I look at this kind of s*** on twitter and wonder what the big deal is, but I’m ignorant to that community almost entirely outside of having a couple close friends who are black and seeing their experiences from a third person POV. Like some people’s distrust in vaccines and modern medicine. For me, I completely trust science and will be taking the COVID vaccine in April/May, but I understand why some folks want nothing to do with vaccines based off traumatic history and being test subjects.

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    yea same I only like black dudes that I can tell are like open minded and cool as f*** and more femme presenting

    your generic black guy I couldn't f*** with cause I know how niggas are

    s*** is tough out here fr fr

  • eclass ⛓️
    Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Twinks <

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    Move to LGBTQ sxn

  • Mar 3, 2021


    They just sit around and b**** all day without offering any constructive solutions. That’s why cancel culture is looked at as a punchline now. That’s why nobody actually gets cancelled now. People only care In text.

    Why do so many of them have anime avis too

  • Mar 3, 2021

    i've noticed the black and latin community do have similarities in the way it struggles with the issue of colorism that goes back all the way to the conquest of the americas by europeans

  • Mar 3, 2021
    Bow And Arrow

    If MSCT was a picture

  • Mar 3, 2021

    He should f*** who he wants but that's an extremely bizarre excuse for not dating black folk. Just say you don't like black guys and go, why you gotta put this weird ass twist to it.

  • Not smashing niggas cause u look at them is brothers will never not be funny

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