Drake really should make a more emotional UK dance album
Like capitalize on the Fred again hype and do an album w Fred, Jamie, Jai (if he’s willing)
It just feels like a wasted opportunity given that he’s built his career on sad music and now is exploring dance music at the same time as that sound is starting to really pop
drake would sound incredible over some garage, dance, or jae5 production
im sure a lot of people know that Take Care came from Jamie xx's remix of Gil Scott Heron
!https://youtu.be/PaXslpx3MWYJamie then worked with Drake on the beat and made Take Care
the original sample is still audible at 2:40
!https://youtu.be/-zzP29emgpgnow this next part is more of a theory but Drake obviously had this pre-existing relationship with Jamie
in 2014 jamie had a boiler room set go viral - it has around 5m views today. I think its highly likely drake heard this set due to their previous relationship and it being a pretty big set - bigger than the original ill take care of u song was which drake heard
hopefully this links right but listen at 15:49
what song is that?
never heard this jamie xx set before
never heard this jamie xx set before
his sets are too good think I’ve burned through every one on the internet at this point lol
I gotta go back to ovo sound radio man so many gems
dawg i was going thru a lsd phase during ovo radio era
and those mixes all sounded so incredible on that s*** lol
dawg i was going thru a lsd phase during ovo radio era
and those mixes all sounded so incredible on that s*** lol
Dude I bet
wish jamie was on honestly nevermind
he shouldve been. hopefully fred again is on their radar, cause some of his songs with piano sound just like ovo 40
Drake really should make a more emotional UK dance album
Like capitalize on the Fred again hype and do an album w Fred, Jamie, Jai (if he’s willing)
It just feels like a wasted opportunity given that he’s built his career on sad music and now is exploring dance music at the same time as that sound is starting to really pop
been saying need at least a drake x fred song on some headie one type s***
wish jamie was on honestly nevermind
He could've gotten much better production than what he ended up settling on. Jamie XX would have been perfect for what he was trying to accomplish.
wish jamie was on honestly nevermind
Jamie should’ve been executive producer
He could've gotten much better production than what he ended up settling on. Jamie XX would have been perfect for what he was trying to accomplish.
Jamie doing massive would’ve actually been a hit lmao
Bro when Controlla leaked was a mad time to be a Drake Stan
Wow mad ting
im still mad they didn't put popcaan verse on the album
did he ever explained why he took popcan off controlla
my theory is cause the audio quality is really bad, it was def recorded on a super janky set up
which is funny cause the last 2-3 years drake has cleartly recorded a lot more on homemade/makeshift set ups but i assume back then it was only very professional ones for his vox
Remember good times by Jamie and thug, classic
had an ex of mine who hated Thug but loved Jamie so she was mad conflicted about the song, but it won out in the end. one day she came home from work singing her lungs out to it. i gave her a bit of stick for doubting Jamie but not too much lol, in those days, theThug hate was still at an all time high
Drake should just stop showing love to people.
This thread is not saying this as a negative idk what you're on
This thread is not saying this as a negative idk what you're on
Way its worded is disrespectful
Drakes two biggest hits come from Drake
Way its worded is disrespectful
Drakes two biggest hits come from Drake
Uhh no, they didn't. They came from Jamie XX.
Uhh no, they didn't. They came from Jamie XX.
Dude I wasn't talking to you
Way its worded is disrespectful
Drakes two biggest hits come from Drake
Yeah idk that feels like a you thing if you instantly jump to disrespect over that.
If we're taking the One Dance example as true, it doesn't mean Jamie XX is entirely responsible for these two hits. But they did come from him. He literally did the first step in the process lol
Drake should just stop showing love to people.
Great music comes from communicating and collaborating with other artists, this isn't a bad thing
Great music comes from communicating and collaborating with other artists, this isn't a bad thing
Great music comes from communicating and collaborating with other artists, this isn't a bad thing