The crazy thing is everyone around the world who is black understands and are aware of other black histories around the world except American black folks some cant even name 5 african countries
you’re braindead lol
you harp on something as trivial as not being able to name some African countries, why don’t we discuss how Africans are discriminatory and even actively racist to Black Americans, which is partially what this discourse around this lady is rooted in regardless?
you down to play ball?
Black Americans and Americans in general focus on our country and what we have going on. It’s you other countries that always stay with our d***s in your mouths
Because you niggas stay speaking on everyone else even when they dont even know wtf their talking about
Oh this is a diaspora wars thread lol
Yea yall got it 👌🏾
that’s what this s*** was lowkey all along
so tired of these pretentious pick me black niggas dawg
Black Americans and Americans in general focus on our country and what we have going on. It’s you other countries that always stay with our d***s in your mouths
This to be honest lmao whenever I'm on Twitter it's always South Africans and Nigerians talking the most s*** about Black Americans and even Caribbeans when in reality Black Americans and Caribbeans do not give a f*** about them
you’re braindead lol
you harp on something as trivial as not being able to name some African countries, why don’t we discuss how Africans are discriminatory and even actively racist to Black Americans, which is partially what this discourse around this lady is rooted in regardless?
you down to play ball?
Aww man
Because you niggas stay speaking on everyone else even when they dont even know wtf their talking about
Like there is already a 50 pages thread on LSA about this girl ethnicity and it seems like this thread is headed to do the same numbers too. There is defintely some contexts where race need to be brought up, but in cases like this it's just people harassing, stalking and obsessing over someone ethnical background like it's a matter of life and death.
Again, there is a cultural disconnect here, the term "colored" has a different historical context in America.
"I'm not black I'm colored" sounds like oppressive self-hating mammy talk to us.
I think it's because many Black groups will like to take part in or claim aspects of Black culture that are genuinely specific/historical to Black Americans, but then at the same time shame those cultural aspects or talk down to Black Americans.
I've seen it on both sides being Black American and Trini. S*** is dumb af to me forreal. Just some goofy diaspora wars s*** when if you put a Caribbean nigga, African nigga, and American nigga all right next to each other we gonna call em Black.
in terms of how you perceive them but theres is nuance to this based on where they come classification may be different. Being black isnt the same thing around the world
This to be honest lmao whenever I'm on Twitter it's always South Africans and Nigerians talking the most s*** about Black Americans and even Caribbeans when in reality Black Americans and Caribbeans do not give a f*** about them
niggas will always make sure to tell anyone that’ll listen that they are anything but African American, like they earn some points/benefit of the doubt off that s***
Because you niggas stay speaking on everyone else even when they dont even know wtf their talking about
Could say the same about y’all. Even more so tbh. This site itself is filled with non Americans who’ve never set foot in the states speaking on what we listen to, what we know, how we act, etc. when we don’t even think about y’all at all
“Light skin act like and darkskin act like” the stupidest s*** ever , that’s made common in black American culture .
that’s what this s*** was lowkey all along
so tired of these pretentious pick me black niggas dawg
I peeped but I don’t fw the division being pushed on different black groups rn so I try not to acknowledge it
S*** is lame
Niggas sound like the very same people they claim to hate
Could say the same about y’all. Even more so tbh. This site itself is filled with non Americans who’ve never set foot in the states speaking on what we listen to, what we know, how we act, etc. when we don’t even think about y’all at all
The crazy thing is a lot of these people don’t even hangout with real black Americans at all
And its so obvious lmao
i dont know anything about this
but regarding America what i do know - what south Africa dictates on African people when knowing sa history of colonization, work slavery & segregation that still has issues to this day does not go well over here
also how certain people of Africa disown and disrespect black Americans and even black Europeans is also where the issues come from
from the perspective outside of Africa and how its cluster f*** of issues
and black Americans specifically with how the transatlantic slavery has tried and in many ways taken away the African identity to where most dont even know where they originate which was on purpose by their slavers and some enemy tribes that participated in selling
and black Americans specifically with how the transatlantic slavery has tried and in many ways taken away the African identity to where most dont even know where they originate which was on purpose by their slavers and some enemy tribes that participated in selling
Now Black Americans can imagine how coloureds feel descended of slaves from all over Asia/Africa and rapist white colonist. while the rest of that country are indigenous Africans that been on that land forever that know their exact origins and speak their ancestors language.
You can see why they wouldn't identify as black, white, or Asian
yea im not calling anyone “colored” but im happy for her tho, whatever race or ethnicity she is
You sound like a f***ing idiot
Please elaborate how do i sound like an idiot.
The crazy thing is a lot of these people don’t even hangout with real black Americans at all
And its so obvious lmao
I’ve seen more people complaining about black Americans reactions to her comments than I’ve seen black Americans reacting to it
Our biggest potential superstar in a minute ruined by an outdated Jim Crow label she wants to die on
a nice and minority
edit: i meant NICHE
this was suppose to say "niche"
my apologizes for "nice" which completely changes the context on accident
Could say the same about y’all. Even more so tbh. This site itself is filled with non Americans who’ve never set foot in the states speaking on what we listen to, what we know, how we act, etc. when we don’t even think about y’all at all
I was raised in the US around black ppl my whole life I just get annoyed about the race complex many Black Americans have
The f*** are you talking about man
that alot of American black ppl dont even know what has happened and whats going on to black people outside of America, we seen this with lack of support of black causes internationally, when the rest of us pull up to support your causes.