Why are people attacking her? Respect how she feels, who are we to tell her that whatever she is feeling is wrong
Imma be real, I've noticed African niggas in Europe or Africa love to look down on Black Americans and Black Caribbeans on some "Oh y'all aren't connected to your African ancestry" or "Y'all were the descendants of slaves" type s***. Which is hilarious to me on so many different levels
Every lil diaspora war I've seen online has always been started by some weirdo with a Nigerian, Ethiopian, or South African flag in their bio like it never fails lmao
I'm Dominican/Verdean I'm ultra slave descended and so are 99 percent Caribbeans folks you just proving wat I just said about black american ignorance...
How you think the Caribbean niggas populated the islands
Our biggest potential superstar in a minute ruined by an outdated Jim Crow label she wants to die on
In America, she cant erase her coloured heritage to make american people feel comfortable. These people exist.
Y’all foreign blacks the ones who be trying to assimilate with European cultures the most
wtf im from Africa, what european assimilation here,
You can call her african but just not black
Aight bro you really starting to say this as if calling somebody Black is an insult...
In America, she cant erase her coloured heritage to make american people feel comfortable. These people exist.
White america doesn’t give af abt that
They will see a black girl and treat her as such out of prejudice, there is no educating those people
As you live across different social frameworks you will receive different treatment
Why are people attacking her? Respect how she feels, who are we to tell her that whatever she is feeling is wrong
Shut the f*** up c**
Why are people attacking her? Respect how she feels, who are we to tell her that whatever she is feeling is wrong
Read the room cracker. This not about that anymore
I've witnessed it lmao them niggas are especially rehtarded when they literally only separated by different boat stops
The term “colored people” means black at the end of the day tho the NAACP still exists
Its an American organization that dictates in America not the rest of the world
idc what any non black person has to say on this issue
I'm Dominican/Verdean I'm ultra slave descended and so are 99 percent Caribbeans folks you just proving wat I just said about black american ignorance...
How you think the Caribbean niggas populated the islands
You are slow.
Why are people attacking her? Respect how she feels, who are we to tell her that whatever she is feeling is wrong
you’re British
In America, she cant erase her coloured heritage to make american people feel comfortable. These people exist.
calling her black erases her heritage?
She not black tho
ok now show me where I said she was. I'll wait
Then what's Trevor Noah in America, or any other SA in America who is not white, I think it matters more what she thinks she is, especially in SA where her roots are, cause outside of that, it's a fruitless war of semantics
ok i get you but its different here, it was white created classification but the people kept it not because of colorism there are dark skinned coloureds too but due to culture and heritage.
if we can take back the N word here in America they can take back coloured in SA. it’s not like they identify as white, which some people are acting like that’s what they mean when they don’t identify as black.
Then what's Trevor Noah in America, or any other SA in America who is not white, I think it matters more what she thinks she is, especially in SA where her roots are, cause outside of that, it's a fruitless war of semantics
Trevor Noah would he considered black by most in USA and Bi racial to others.