  • Dec 6, 2023

    this is just for Le Fleur too
    Brazilian song sample >>>

  • Dec 6, 2023
    9 replies

    if his next album is as anywhere near as good as the last 3 it’s time to have that convo about tyler

  • Dec 6, 2023
    3 replies

    Toeing the line between dope and corny imo (only talkin bout the visuals tho)

  • Dec 6, 2023
    3 replies

    if his next album is as anywhere near as good as the last 3 it’s time to have that convo about tyler

    I mean I already have him as legend status tbh. and if we being honest he might be more consistent than the big 3. Even though Kendrick my favorite

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Dec 6, 2023

    video is amazing

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Toeing the line between dope and corny imo (only talkin bout the visuals tho)

    Its creative imo. Not a lot of people outside of ye would put an effort into their brand like that

  • Dec 6, 2023

    Its creative imo. Not a lot of people outside of ye would put an effort into their brand like that

    I agree he’s doing what he sets his mind too and executes

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply

    tyler the goat

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply

    this is just for Le Fleur too
    Brazilian song sample >>>


    I want him to have an apple music radio show so bad

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    Toeing the line between dope and corny imo (only talkin bout the visuals tho)

    in what way is this corny to you?

  • ghosting ®️
    Dec 6, 2023

    I want him to have an apple music radio show so bad

    Hm ya that would be good

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply


  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I mean I already have him as legend status tbh. and if we being honest he might be more consistent than the big 3. Even though Kendrick my favorite

    Consistent 6.5/10 sure.

  • Dec 6, 2023
    5 replies

    in what way is this corny to you?

    Basing your entire aesthetic off of Wes Anderson movies lol

  • Dec 6, 2023
    2 replies

    You think Tyler likes Wes Anderson movies

  • Not Like Josuke

    Basing your entire aesthetic off of Wes Anderson movies lol

    In what way is that even corny? lmao

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 6, 2023

    I've lost interest in his colorful rainbow flower boy when he started overdoing it (with this I'm not saying he's not a good musician/artist)

  • Dec 6, 2023
    3 replies

    if his next album is as anywhere near as good as the last 3 it’s time to have that convo about tyler

    I really feel Tyler is on the verge of being a leader in Rap, and people may disagree because he's been around for a long time.

    But we haven't seen an artist that constantly gets better every album and reach huge commercial success yet since Wayne's run from 06-09

    So if Tyler was to get out of that "niche" category and make a huge hit or work on a pop-influenced album.

    He'll be leading the way.


  • Dec 6, 2023

    You think Tyler likes Wes Anderson movies

    In the future, I want to do films. I want people to mention my name next to Wes Anderson or Quentin Tarantino. I don't want my name to be mentioned next to other rappers at all."

  • Dec 6, 2023
    2 replies

    he said this was directly inspired by Wes

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I mean I already have him as legend status tbh. and if we being honest he might be more consistent than the big 3. Even though Kendrick my favorite

    That's the thing man. Tyler can literally be the hottest rap artist if he really wanted to at this moment, but I feel he holds himself back, because he may feel his music is too niche for the mainstream.

  • Dec 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I really feel Tyler is on the verge of being a leader in Rap, and people may disagree because he's been around for a long time.

    But we haven't seen an artist that constantly gets better every album and reach huge commercial success yet since Wayne's run from 06-09

    So if Tyler was to get out of that "niche" category and make a huge hit or work on a pop-influenced album.

    He'll be leading the way.


    He just needs a hit and he’ll def be in that convo for the general public but either way I know the next album is going to be great cause he remains consistent

  • Dec 6, 2023
    2 replies

    That's the thing man. Tyler can literally be the hottest rap artist if he really wanted to at this moment, but I feel he holds himself back, because he may feel his music is too niche for the mainstream.

    Feel like he needs to go on a bigger feature run and start producing for big acts cause he has the skill and talent. I’m sure his next album gonna be his biggest one yet
    If he can get an alright, humble or hotline bling type of hit he got it

  • Dec 6, 2023
    3 replies

    He just needs a hit and he’ll def be in that convo for the general public but either way I know the next album is going to be great cause he remains consistent

    Like Tyler is literally in the same shoes that Wayne was in post C2/pre-C3.

    1. He's got a DJ Drama project
    2. He's constantly getting better as artist each and every album.
    3. More kids and industry connects are becoming more interested in his brand as time goes on.

    All he needs is that one huge smash hit and a high selling album, and he's on Top.

  • Dec 6, 2023
    im almost there

    he said this was directly inspired by Wes


    I mean it’s pretty obvious. Wes style goes great with Tyler’s aesthetic
