  • Dec 7, 2023

    I don't think people on here really know how big Wayne was, it's not even comparable

    C3 was a defining moment for the culture. Tyler is yet to release something even near that in terms of cultural impact

  • Dec 7, 2023
    Theory Talk Trader

    he just copies wes anderson's aesthetic lol

    he adds nothing new to it whatsoever

  • Dec 7, 2023

    Feel like Tyler kinda been on the same s*** visually for a minute, I want him to really do something different for him with the next album era

    Someone like Rocky has been beating Tyler with the videos for awhile imo

  • Dec 7, 2023
    Not Like Josuke

    Toeing the line between dope and corny imo (only talkin bout the visuals tho)

    what does this even mean

  • Dec 7, 2023

    He f***s kids

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    Maybe it's not the same, but it's similar

    i mean its totally different
    think about how much DJ Dramas place in the culture has shifted
    very dissimilar

  • Dec 7, 2023

    i mean its totally different
    think about how much DJ Dramas place in the culture has shifted
    very dissimilar

    It's not about DJ Drama's place on the culture.

    It's about Tyler's evolution as an artist in the rap game and how we haven't seen an artist that improve on their craft each project.

    The closest person I could've think of is Wayne. Maybe it wasn't the best choice, but that's what I thought about in the moment.

    Obviously Wayne is different and came from a different cloth.

  • 666 💢
    Dec 7, 2023

    i love the A BOY IS A GUN* visuals

  • Dec 7, 2023

    Love almost all of those songs but IGOR to me is clearly the better record and one of those generational classic albums parents will hand down to their kids and etc

    Obvious bait post

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    You’re taking one comment I made and blowing it out of proportion to mischaracterize my argument. You said that “even just on a music level” Wayne’s s*** is better. I said ain’t no f***in way. Lacks consistency and his artistry pales in comparison. Next comment

    You’re one of these guys that puts “dominating the culture” above what is actually good. Lil Bow Wow can dominate the culture for a minute but will it stick around in a meaningful way is the question. And you must be blind deaf and dumb if you didn’t see how FLOWER BOY literally changed the way everyone dressed and the sound of music. It created an entire bedroom pop and soft aesthetic rap obsession we’re still seeing today. So many copies and imitators. It literally turned everyone gay!

    you didn’t see how FLOWER BOY literally changed the way everyone dressed and the sound of music. It created an entire bedroom pop and soft aesthetic rap obsession we’re still seeing today. So many copies and imitators. It literally turned everyone gay!

    You don’t gotta troll to defend your points

  • Dec 7, 2023

    Never used the word hate but now you’re saying s*** like RYM which kind of proves my point about the resentment cause that’s a hasty generalization.

    And if you want examples: Teezo Touchdown, Kevin Abstract, Paris Texas, Kenny Mason, Uzi, Yachty, etc

    Kenny Mason’s ( best rapper out this list) own words his biggest influence is Lil Wayne.

    Yall. Gotta. Stop. Lying.

  • Dec 7, 2023

    I know Tyler gotta hate his fanbase sometimes lmao

  • Dec 7, 2023

    I also think he makes better music than Wayne does currently and has a better discography since wayne has more trash than good.

    Now what?


    Key word.

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Also the whole discography talk on here for rappers is so weird. No other genre are artists judged like athletes.

    Waynes “misses” negate his great material?

    No other genre are artists judged like athletes.

    laughs in jazz

    This is 🧢 sir.

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    No other genre are artists judged like athletes.

    laughs in jazz

    This is 🧢 sir.

    Ok I’m interested. How are jazz artists treated like this? Not really tapped in like that

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Ok I’m interested. How are jazz artists treated like this? Not really tapped in like that

    There’s a sentiment by “jazz loyalists” (e.g. wynton marsalis/stanley crouche) that miles davis was making jazz Music until he “sold out” and started going pop post bitches brew and dismiss anything he made after that.

    Shoutout to tv1 unsung shined a light on mad black artists of the 70s and 80s that had it worse, as soon as they had a streak of albums that wouldn’t have as much commercial success as their peak, their label would drop them completely.

    Eminem, Wayne, etc. been allowed to drop dud after dud without fear of that lmfao.

  • Dec 7, 2023

    you didn’t see how FLOWER BOY literally changed the way everyone dressed and the sound of music. It created an entire bedroom pop and soft aesthetic rap obsession we’re still seeing today. So many copies and imitators. It literally turned everyone gay!

    You don’t gotta troll to defend your points

    Hey me and mr. duffle already settled this s***

  • Dec 7, 2023

    Tyler definitely has influence

    But tyler himself would say lil wayne got influence on him lol.

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    There’s a sentiment by “jazz loyalists” (e.g. wynton marsalis/stanley crouche) that miles davis was making jazz Music until he “sold out” and started going pop post bitches brew and dismiss anything he made after that.

    Shoutout to tv1 unsung shined a light on mad black artists of the 70s and 80s that had it worse, as soon as they had a streak of albums that wouldn’t have as much commercial success as their peak, their label would drop them completely.

    Eminem, Wayne, etc. been allowed to drop dud after dud without fear of that lmfao.

    ?? the miles selling out narrative begins in the 80s with Man With The Horn. he made many celebrated classics after BB including Jack Johnson, on the corner, big fun, get up with it, numerous live albums. BB was basically the beginning of the fusion era he's beloved for MOST by diehards

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    ?? the miles selling out narrative begins in the 80s with Man With The Horn. he made many celebrated classics after BB including Jack Johnson, on the corner, big fun, get up with it, numerous live albums. BB was basically the beginning of the fusion era he's beloved for MOST by diehards

    From wynton’s website himself.

    Im not saying miles aint looked at as a legend (the same way wayne/em are looked at as legends)

    I’m answering brodie original point that hip hop aint the only genre that judges recent output against a legend’s discography harshly.

  • Dec 7, 2023
    1 reply

    From wynton’s website himself.

    Im not saying miles aint looked at as a legend (the same way wayne/em are looked at as legends)

    I’m answering brodie original point that hip hop aint the only genre that judges recent output against a legend’s discography harshly.

    the excerpt you linked isn't talking about when Miles went pop they're talking about when he went fusion. he lost the purist crowd at the time because he was pushing the sound but that doesn't reflect the majority opinion now

  • Dec 7, 2023

    the excerpt you linked isn't talking about when Miles went pop they're talking about when he went fusion. he lost the purist crowd at the time because he was pushing the sound but that doesn't reflect the majority opinion now

    But it did at one point.

    Once again was just showing an example of another genre where niggas got judged like athletes.