  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    It's california, some startup will take Lyft and Uber's place


  • Aug 20, 2020

  • Aug 20, 2020

    dem silicon boys got bags though, but there's always some rich person out there willing to make money, and this is the perfect opportunity for them.

    lyft and uber cheapin out

  • Aug 20, 2020

    I'm not trying to argue over how Uber classifies it's workers, my very first post in this thread eludes to where I stand on that.

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Lyft (and Uber) needs California more than we need them. Before you know it, something will take its place.

  • Aug 20, 2020

    Apple became the first ever 2 trillion dollar company just Yesterday, the money is there.

  • Aug 20, 2020
    2 replies

    Whats the better choice though? Because if they reform their practice, then the drivers would receive part time hours so they dont need to be given benefits, which sounds like the same thing right now without the hours restriction?

  • Aug 20, 2020

    They can’t. There’s a reason why they won’t do that. It defeats the whole purpose of the business model. If they make people employees, they get to dictate workers’ hours. That’s the beauty of ridesharing, you get to work when you want.

    This too, so we’re saying vote yes and keep the current model?

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Lyft (and Uber) needs California more than we need them. Before you know it, something will take its place.

    The proposition states them as app services so im guessing theyll have to find a way to be classified as something else to get around this if a new start up should arise?

    We do have taxis but those mfers are never anywhere to be found on my city late at night and they charge an arm and a leg compared to the apps 🤔

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Guarantee most people in this thread are from Europe and don’t know what they are talking about. The large majority of Uber drivers in California do no want to be full time workers and just use it as a side gig. This only makes s*** more complicated and now and a lot of people are going to be out of work again during the pandemic

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Whats the better choice though? Because if they reform their practice, then the drivers would receive part time hours so they dont need to be given benefits, which sounds like the same thing right now without the hours restriction?

    Pay is apparently getting really bad because everyone wants a piece of the pie. An hourly rate guarantees a higher minimum than what they're receiving now for being on the clock.

    Outside of that, yeah, I agree I would personally want to choose my own hours.

  • Aug 20, 2020

    Pay is apparently getting really bad because everyone wants a piece of the pie. An hourly rate guarantees a higher minimum than what they're receiving now for being on the clock.

    Outside of that, yeah, I agree I would personally want to choose my own hours.

    Ah i see i didnt know about the pay reduction, this is such a s***ty situation, i feel for those who use this as their main source of income, i really dont know how to vote for this cause both sides just sound so s***ty

  • Aug 20, 2020

    As someone that used to drive for Uber, I say good f*** em.

    They don't give a flying f*** about their workers. Hope they lose a s*** ton of money cause of this.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    Whats the better choice though? Because if they reform their practice, then the drivers would receive part time hours so they dont need to be given benefits, which sounds like the same thing right now without the hours restriction?

    If a company cannot pay a living wage then it should be left to die.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 20, 2020

    Isn't that what the FrEe MaRkeT is supposed to be anyway.

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 20, 2020

    Oh wait no it's built on the exploitation of workers, bleeding them dry only to cast them away as if a human life is nothing more than a battery to be drained.

  • Aug 20, 2020

    If a company cannot pay a living wage then it should be left to die.

    Yes i agree, but you know if they have to classify drivers as employees they will give the drivers the max number of hrs without needing to give drivers benefits, which sucks for those drivers who have been so successful due to their ability to driver much more hours throughout the day

    This s***s ass on both sides especially if their pay is already getting reduced right now

  • Aug 20, 2020

    what's the difference between uber and a private hire taxi company

    they both have the same business model right, whole self employed thing

    is it because uber is so big that they could do more and they have some s***ty policies?

  • Aug 20, 2020

    is this something the workers want? i feel like the allure of lyft/uber is because of how highly flexible the work is.

  • Aug 20, 2020

    My Lyft from SFO into the city was $50 on sunday! The previous Sunday it was literally $25 smh this s*** woat

  • Aug 20, 2020
    1 reply

    The proposition states them as app services so im guessing theyll have to find a way to be classified as something else to get around this if a new start up should arise?

    We do have taxis but those mfers are never anywhere to be found on my city late at night and they charge an arm and a leg compared to the apps 🤔

    Taxis are garbage. Straight up discriminatory and predatory. Got charged $70 for a 15 minute ride in high school. People act like workers are forced to drive Uber, the company created millions of jobs that were never there before. If people don’t like driving, they can literally do something else or drive part time like Uber intended

  • Aug 20, 2020

    Taxis are garbage. Straight up discriminatory and predatory. Got charged $70 for a 15 minute ride in high school. People act like workers are forced to drive Uber, the company created millions of jobs that were never there before. If people don’t like driving, they can literally do something else or drive part time like Uber intended

    im with you f*** taxi's

    ur second point is valid too, a lot of ppl use this as a side gig so it wont affect them too much, but i just feel bad for those who have to rely on driving and even those who have to rely on this service on an everyday basis

  • plants 🌻
    Aug 20, 2020
    3 replies

    Crazy how in America the freedom to choose is all about the freedom to choose 18 different flavors of redbull and 37 types of lays chips and not the freedom to have a good job with a union or universal healthcare