  • Feb 4, 2024

    they tell us how much going towards migrants to make you hate them but what about the other bullshit lol

  • Feb 4, 2024

  • plants 🌻
    Feb 4, 2024
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's still f*** Eric Adams forever but this is a good gesture. I can already imagine there are about to be a ton of xenophobic sacks of s*** who are gonna be b****ing and moaning about this. Likely going to create more disdain towards migrants, instead of those people directing their ire towards Adams who has cut funding to multiple programs such as public libraries, food kitchens, shelters, etc but continues to give a bulk of NYC taxpayer money to the NYPD.


  • Feb 4, 2024
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's still f*** Eric Adams forever but this is a good gesture. I can already imagine there are about to be a ton of xenophobic sacks of s*** who are gonna be b****ing and moaning about this. Likely going to create more disdain towards migrants, instead of those people directing their ire towards Adams who has cut funding to multiple programs such as public libraries, food kitchens, shelters, etc but continues to give a bulk of NYC taxpayer money to the NYPD.

    Wonder how the old f***s that was d***riding Adams gon explain to they grandkids why they cant go to the libraries on Sundays no more?

  • Feb 4, 2024
    1 reply

    Can i migrate there?

  • Feb 4, 2024
    Block Muteson

    Not UBI
    Not healthcare
    Not free housing

    Privatized food assistance that goes right into local businesses

    How dare they give people 1000$ of free food and support local businesses 🤬🤬🤬

  • Feb 4, 2024

    Can i migrate there?

  • Feb 4, 2024

    I want free healthcare

  • It's bs. Just to get people emotional

  • hot pancakes

    i agree with all of this happening to all citizens.

    but i haven’t read into the details as to why it’s only migrants so i can’t speak on that specifically

    but i think everyone should get at least free healthcare at a minimum

    that’s the workforce of the future

    when Technology and AI start replacing more jobs, the Immigrant population will supplement businesses by taking lower wages than U.S citizens.

  • Feb 4, 2024

    Very angry and concerned. The news always does this to me!

  • Feb 4, 2024
    tomorrow volverse

    social programs are gonna be terrible long term for the U.S's already struggling economy

    the middle class and low class workers / taxpayers are who suffer from this stuff the most

    Rich people are gonna emigrate & start hiding their money, and then we're all gonna feel it

    I'm sure there are good people who benefit from this, but it's not something I cosign

    another $137 million in contracts with city hotels to provide more than 750 rooms to asylum seekers with families
    The city is housing just over 66,000 asylum seekers after 1,500 more arrived last week as part of a crisis that is expected to cost $10 billion through 2025.

    government bureaucracy is a cancer over 10 billion dollars of tax money used to "support" a group of 60k people that just came to the city a few weeks ago. (half that money is being pocketed)

    I just keep reading the numbers and its insane the whole subway system costed 135 million to construct and they have mfs believing you need 10 billion to help out 60k refugees

  • Block Muteson

    Not UBI
    Not healthcare
    Not free housing

    Privatized food assistance that goes right into local businesses

    nice clarification

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    He could have given it to existing lower income NYC residents who can barely afford their existing living costs

    It would go a long way in eventually elevating those households into middle class by stabilizing their living expense budgets

    But no he wants to give a survival wage to migrants so they can stay afloat in poverty just enough here to be cheap labor

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Why are there so many dumb conservatives on this site

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Mobility Capital Finance, will provide asylum seekers arriving at the Roosevelt Hotel with the city cash to help them buy food, according to city records.

    The city subsiding the whole program how tf is it privatized it is all still state funded under a company

    It’s still operating under profit, which means surplus goes into the hands of private owners rather than being folded back into the budget

  • Feb 5, 2024

    Why are there so many dumb conservatives on this site

    Are there smart conservatives ?

  • Feb 5, 2024
    2 replies
    Smacked Voodoo

    It's still f*** Eric Adams forever but this is a good gesture. I can already imagine there are about to be a ton of xenophobic sacks of s*** who are gonna be b****ing and moaning about this. Likely going to create more disdain towards migrants, instead of those people directing their ire towards Adams who has cut funding to multiple programs such as public libraries, food kitchens, shelters, etc but continues to give a bulk of NYC taxpayer money to the NYPD.

    Something no one knows how to speak about yet is the fact that the migrants are skipping the line on housing waitlists that black and brown native New Yorkers have been waiting on for decades. There has been outrage from resident community organizers in BK projects and im sure many others, and it is justified. And still Guess who more division among the working class benefits. The migrant crisis is pressing, and the west is facing the music for its decades of colonial predation on the global south. NYC is nonetheless in its own crises. You nailed it on Eric Adams - he is a disaster

  • Feb 5, 2024
    Birdie 2

    He could have given it to existing lower income NYC residents who can barely afford their existing living costs

    It would go a long way in eventually elevating those households into middle class by stabilizing their living expense budgets

    But no he wants to give a survival wage to migrants so they can stay afloat in poverty just enough here to be cheap labor

    Oof. Nailed it too.

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Something no one knows how to speak about yet is the fact that the migrants are skipping the line on housing waitlists that black and brown native New Yorkers have been waiting on for decades. There has been outrage from resident community organizers in BK projects and im sure many others, and it is justified. And still Guess who more division among the working class benefits. The migrant crisis is pressing, and the west is facing the music for its decades of colonial predation on the global south. NYC is nonetheless in its own crises. You nailed it on Eric Adams - he is a disaster

    I’ve never read anything on this could you link me

  • Feb 5, 2024

    $1,000 in NY will get you through a week lol

    if you’re lucky

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    I’ve never read anything on this could you link me

    I’ve never seen it written anywhere either
    I know it thru direct experience with the folks organizing
    I’ll see what I can get from em and share, would be useful to have period

  • Feb 5, 2024

    They posting right wing propaganda on ktt

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    OP would rather have these people become homeless so he can talk about how all homeless people should die

  • Feb 5, 2024
    2 replies
    Scratchin Mamba

    OP would rather have these people become homeless so he can talk about how all homeless people should die

    You a real drama queen man all I said is I don’t want them just roaming the streets out and about making camps and doing god knows what else in communities

    I always said take them to shelters and if they are mentally unfit for shelters or society then they need to be separated until they get better