  • Feb 5, 2024

    You a real drama queen man all I said is I don’t want them just roaming the streets out and about making camps and doing god knows what else in communities

    I always said take them to shelters and if they are mentally unfit for shelters or society then they need to be separated until they get better

    my mom wanrsa to turn my phoneb off and throw mwe ibn a ashelter

  • Feb 5, 2024

    You a real drama queen man all I said is I don’t want them just roaming the streets out and about making camps and doing god knows what else in communities

    I always said take them to shelters and if they are mentally unfit for shelters or society then they need to be separated until they get better

    the city seems to be spending far more on sheltering than they need to

    probably because privately run aid funds are pocketing that s***

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    I’ve never seen it written anywhere either
    I know it thru direct experience with the folks organizing
    I’ll see what I can get from em and share, would be useful to have period

    the stats seem to be showing the opposite

    the city is spending an extremely large amount of money on putting these people up in new shelters despite there being tons of beds across the city available, and then getting kicked out right after. i don't see any kind of evidence of undocumented civilians getting access to any housing in any sort of journal article, compared to NYC natives

    if anything, there seems to be an unnecessary parallel process for asylum seekers vs native NYC'ers where migrants are put in expensive shelters separate from natives, who can't get access to empty shelters (probably due to administrative red tape and budget cuts because these idiots decided that the NYPD is the only thing that needs money)

  • Feb 5, 2024

    keep in mind that the NYPD has spent like 11 billion dollars 2023 while being basically useless, while NY libraries are being forced to close on sundays

    this isn't a issue of there not being enough money to go towards both migrants and the poor natives, but an issue of the city council giving massive kickbacks to itself and the bloated police force

  • Feb 5, 2024

    the stats seem to be showing the opposite

    the city is spending an extremely large amount of money on putting these people up in new shelters despite there being tons of beds across the city available, and then getting kicked out right after. i don't see any kind of evidence of undocumented civilians getting access to any housing in any sort of journal article, compared to NYC natives

    if anything, there seems to be an unnecessary parallel process for asylum seekers vs native NYC'ers where migrants are put in expensive shelters separate from natives, who can't get access to empty shelters (probably due to administrative red tape and budget cuts because these idiots decided that the NYPD is the only thing that needs money)

    The issue I’m ref to doesn’t involve shelters
    Is abt longer term housing, involving section 8 etc
    And the info comes from tenant organizers who deal with city gov and have been doing the work for decades in NYC
    A lot more to this issue than is being covered by any of these journals
    NYC shelters are a whole different issue — the shelters are rife with sexual violence and theft and most homeless NYers know through experience to avoid the shelters at all costs. There have been dozens of pop up shelters in hotels for migrants that have their own longevity crises

  • Nah people starting to not rock with this sanctuary city/migrant stuff. Didn't they try to make a youth community center in Chicago a migrant shelter and the people fought against it?

  • Feb 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Something no one knows how to speak about yet is the fact that the migrants are skipping the line on housing waitlists that black and brown native New Yorkers have been waiting on for decades. There has been outrage from resident community organizers in BK projects and im sure many others, and it is justified. And still Guess who more division among the working class benefits. The migrant crisis is pressing, and the west is facing the music for its decades of colonial predation on the global south. NYC is nonetheless in its own crises. You nailed it on Eric Adams - he is a disaster

    Something no one knows how to speak about yet is the fact that the migrants are skipping the line on housing waitlists that black and brown native New Yorkers have been waiting on for decades.

    Ultimately that still isn't the fault of the migrants though. Native residents can still be mad about it sure, but they are directing that anger at the wrong people. The fact that they've been waiting decades for housing is a failure of the city and politicians, not the migrants who have nothing.

    It's just been gross the kinda xenophobic hatred I've been seeing from New Yorker's (A lot from Staten Island cause they already racist af out there) towards a group of people who don't even have control of their situation. It's something the native residents should be able to relate with. S***, the fact that the migrants have been showing up in droves isn't even their fault. Greg Abbott is just a sack of s*** who needs to be rolled down some stairs.

  • Feb 5, 2024
    Smacked Voodoo

    Something no one knows how to speak about yet is the fact that the migrants are skipping the line on housing waitlists that black and brown native New Yorkers have been waiting on for decades.

    Ultimately that still isn't the fault of the migrants though. Native residents can still be mad about it sure, but they are directing that anger at the wrong people. The fact that they've been waiting decades for housing is a failure of the city and politicians, not the migrants who have nothing.

    It's just been gross the kinda xenophobic hatred I've been seeing from New Yorker's (A lot from Staten Island cause they already racist af out there) towards a group of people who don't even have control of their situation. It's something the native residents should be able to relate with. S***, the fact that the migrants have been showing up in droves isn't even their fault. Greg Abbott is just a sack of s*** who needs to be rolled down some stairs.

    I agree completely
    That’s why I raise the point that more division among the working class is a plus for the elite - they’re happy to foster tension between native NYers and migrants. It’s politically useful.
    And still it is a major problem - native NYers are in crisis that must be addressed and we’re always asked to take dichotomous positions “pro migrant” or “anti migrant” when it’s not that simple. We must attend to the needs of native NYers. I and so many of my friends and fam have been pushed further and further toward the fringes of the city slowly. Gentrification is old news at this point it’s gotten so damn bad. The city cannot handle a million migrants. It can’t handle a million more rich transplants whose finance jobs pay for their $10k/month 1bds that are driving rent prices even higher. It’s a real crisis man

  • Feb 6, 2024

    Don’t fall for the misdirect as if migrants are the source of increased cost for tax payers in NY especially. Ain’t yall mayor increase NYPD budget by like $150m? In which he ended up closing many public libraries to secure funding? When it would only cost like 8-10m to keep those same libraries open

  • great

  • Feb 6, 2024

    It’s still operating under profit, which means surplus goes into the hands of private owners rather than being folded back into the budget

    He's a libertarian brother. Best to just ignore him

  • Feb 6, 2024

    Seems like standard political agitprop, regardless of how you feel the migrant situation should be handled nobody in the city is truly under the impression that these people live cushy, enjoyable lives. Anybody really riled up about their presence here is because they hate the people themselves, not their circumstances, which are f***ing terrible

  • Feb 6, 2024

    Ubi will be the future once ai takes over and everyone will see Andrew Yang was right

  • Feb 6, 2024

    Money that is the equivalent to 0.0066% of the annual us military budget, 0.88% of the NYPD budget to give migrants, only to be spent locally on food & baby supplies, in an attempt to give them the bare minimum approximate of a dignified life & be put on any kind of playing field that’ll allow them to work towards getting a job and becoming members of society/their community. Yeah that’ll turn right wingers and a sizeable chunk of liberals into Hitler real quick

  • Gonna bring out the xenophobes with this one