Imo this era starts from 2012 with Roc’s Marcberg. A lot of great s*** came out the same year/thereafter
I’m curious if anyone sees it different
but nah i think most
people agree marcberg
was the jumping off point
it's my least listened to roc joint though
but nah i think most
people agree marcberg
was the jumping off point
it's my least listened to roc joint though
Word. A lot of artists are riding his wave.
Same, only a few tracks here and there I go back to this occasionally
Fully agree
Been using covid quarantine to dig deeper through this stuff
Certainly not disappointed
Not really. Nothing super creative coming out of underground to be honest. Just a lot of great music.
Not really. Nothing super creative coming out of underground to be honest. Just a lot of great music.
1. You don't think an artist like billy woods is creative? Or Ka? I think anyone would admit that a crew like Griselda is not doing much new, but to me, those at the top of the top are extremely creative/prolific.
2. Why does the music have to be "creative" to be considered a golden era, and why not just great? Kinda a semantic distinction but still
Fully agree
Been using covid quarantine to dig deeper through this stuff
Certainly not disappointed
Who you been checking out?
1. You don't think an artist like billy woods is creative? Or Ka? I think anyone would admit that a crew like Griselda is not doing much new, but to me, those at the top of the top are extremely creative/prolific.
2. Why does the music have to be "creative" to be considered a golden era, and why not just great? Kinda a semantic distinction but still
Billy Woods is the exception. His music is creative but most underground rap has the same content and formula. Not even dope conceptually when you look at what actually gets spins.
It has to be creative because it should be. There isn’t anything to lose at that level. The music is great But underground in the 2000s was BTH, and Madvillany. Those weren’t just great albums but very creative with substance etc.
Billy Woods is the exception. His music is creative but most underground rap has the same content and formula. Not even dope conceptually when you look at what actually gets spins.
It has to be creative because it should be. There isn’t anything to lose at that level. The music is great But underground in the 2000s was BTH, and Madvillany. Those weren’t just great albums but very creative with substance etc.
If the "exception" is woods, then you have to consider people like Mach, Elucid, Ka, and (I would argue) Marciano. And of course––you're completely right that it's the same content, but where the creativity comes in is in the formula, the sounds. The content is so same-y because the same conditions are affecting a lot of these artists (and most rap artists, "creative" or not)––that is, coming from poverty, experiences with d*** and gun violence, witnessing gentrification, etc.
Okay I don't disagree with that. But idk bro, I'd point to several of the albums mentioned in OP for a case of their creativity––HKTS, Reloaded, H.B.O., Paraffin, etc. This new decade has birthed a lot of genius s*** imo.
Who you been checking out?
Been a fan of roc and Griselda for a while but I’ve been listening to billy woods, ka, Chris crack, and anything I can get my hands on by mach
Who you been checking out?
Slums + affiliates have been in rotation for a while now as well
Not really. Nothing super creative coming out of underground to be honest. Just a lot of great music.
creative in terms of uniqueness?
Been a fan of roc and Griselda for a while but I’ve been listening to billy woods, ka, Chris crack, and anything I can get my hands on by mach
Good man. Respect
Slums + affiliates have been in rotation for a while now as well
MIKE and Mavi my favorites from slums for sure. A lot of good music from them all around tho
I fw with the underground scene cause they always stay true to that real hip hop.
I fw with the underground scene cause they always stay true to that real hip hop.
did you see that Ja dunk???
did you see that Ja dunk???
Yeah his landings be scaring me but his hops remind me of prime D Rose
Thought that was DJ Akademiks and Roc at first