Yea but your post was 100% about production specifics and u blamed the rappers lol. Rappers who not producers don’t even care about details like that they just hear a pocket to rap in and do it lol.
idk who you been in the studio with but everybody different a lot of times that's not the only thing they care about but maybe baby just care about having his drums a type of way
Amazing what s***ty drums can do to a great sample. Sounds like a Lil Baby song, that’s for sure
This is why gunna better imo. At least he takes some chances with beat selection
idk who you been in the studio with but everybody different a lot of times that's not the only thing they care about but maybe baby just care about having his drums a type of way
I’m just saying when baby and his audience hear this song their first thought isn’t “oh my god these drums are s***ty”
As long as the lyrics melody flow good we rocking lol. Only a producers ear or fake music critics Gonna hear this and obsess over the drums
Those drums gotta go. We need something a little more outside the box to hit the mainstream production wise.
Amazing what s***ty drums can do to a great sample. Sounds like a Lil Baby song, that’s for sure
He’s out of line but he’s right
this is prolly my least favorite thing rappers do. why they gotta put trash drums on classic samples, meek did it with the feelin it and dead presidents beat, i remember someone else doing it with the breathe beat. you can reuse a sample but don't make it a lazy ass beat with some trash drums on it it's disrespectful
resepct the game by meek is a good song though
tf is a critic bait beat
Anything with a saxophone
Feel like I've heard this song already
everyone around thug is more concerned with putting on their family than securing good beats
it is what it is, sometimes it works out tho
other times we get atljacob producing most of the wzrd
Are you saying you didn’t like Wzrd’s production
Crazy how good baby is over s***ty beats, imagine what he’d be doing on some good ones.
everyone around thug is more concerned with putting on their family than securing good beats
it is what it is, sometimes it works out tho
other times we get atljacob producing most of the wzrd
Or niggas just think a good beat is different than what u think. Tf thug have to do with this anyway
Or niggas just think a good beat is different than what u think. Tf thug have to do with this anyway
thug said he does this and all his friends seem to too
baby can get better beats from anyone if he wanted to shell oujt some cash