This is why gunna better imo. At least he takes some chances with beat selection
I love both but gunna is one of the least adventurous when it comes to production these days aside from a couple exceptions
This is why gunna better imo. At least he takes some chances with beat selection
thug said he does this and all his friends seem to too
baby can get better beats from anyone if he wanted to shell oujt some cash
Thug been working with most of the best producers of last decade his whole career. Don’t see how him putting people on has to do with Lil baby beat selection but ok
It’s not about money Baby probably had an unlimited budget he and his audience just like a certain type of beats
Thug been working with most of the best producers of last decade his whole career. Don’t see how him putting people on has to do with Lil baby beat selection but ok
It’s not about money Baby probably had an unlimited budget he and his audience just like a certain type of beats
yeah i like thug beats but doing that was his idea
baby just has less talented friends
I love both but gunna is one of the least adventurous when it comes to production these days aside from a couple exceptions
Regardless of what you think or the beats at least he took some chances on s*** like living wild and that song with Chloe on DS4. Also took that feature on the nigo pharrell song with a very different beat. I know I’m getting like 3 kinds of beats every time I put on a baby song.
Amazing what s***ty drums can do to a great sample. Sounds like a Lil Baby song, that’s for sure